Need to check that a record was deleted? Can't assume an empty table, check that this specific record is not there. This technique brings few powerful gains: It works natively in multi-process mode, when a developer wishes to understand what happened - the data is there and not deleted....
check check(successHandler: any, errorHandler?: any, args?: any[]) Check if a component is installed close close(successHandler: any, errorHandler?: any, args?: any[]) Close the current component registerAppClose registerAppClose(successHandler: any) Helps the micro app to register itsel...
if(window.location.hostname==='') {ineum('key','production monitoring key'); }elseif(window.location.hostname==='') {ineum('key','QA monitoring key'); }else{ineum('key','test monitoring key'); }
Four of the other legacy basemaps have been redefined to their vector equivalents because they were based on outdated services that are in Mature Support: topo, streets, gray and dark-gray. The auto and authorization-code values for OAuthInfo.flowType no longer check if the popup property is...
events.on("key", function(keyCode, event){ //处理按键事件 }); 其中监听器的参数KeyCode包括: keys.home 主页键 keys.back 返回键 菜单键 keys.volume_up 音量上键 keys.volume_down 音量下键 例如: auto(); events.observeKey(); events.on("key", function(keyCode, event){ if(keyCode...
There exists a limitation such that Signaling Reconnection and Edge Fallback are mutually exclusive. To opt-in to the Signaling Reconnection feature, a new option can be passed to the SDK: maxCallSignalingTimeoutMs. If this value is not present in the options object passed to the Device const...
if (err){// an error occurred console.log(err, err.stack); }else{ alert('成功发送消息!'); } }); } 需要注意的是,调用putRecord方法时需要传入配置参数组(这里为write_simple_params)和设置好回调函数。参数组的组成包括Blob的内容Data、分区键PartitionKey、流名称StreamName。通过回调函数,我们能够检测...
Validates whether a custom field exists in the entity. Parameters fieldName: string The name of the custom field to update Returns boolean A boolean value, that indicates whether a custom field is defined in entity initializeCustomFields initializeCustomFields(c...
// Check whether a session has expired or is close to expiry. if (session.isexpired || session.isexpired( + 1) { try { // Attempt to refresh the existing session. session = await client.sessionRefresh(session); } catch (error) { // Couldn't refresh the session so reauthe...