W3Schools offers an Online Certification Program. The perfect solution for busy professionals who need to balance work, family, and career building. More than 50 000 certificates already issued! Get Your Certificate »Document your skillsImprove your career Study at your own paceSave time and mone...
You can also add the date you obtained the certification or the expected completion date, if applicable. Best certifications for your Javascript developer resume Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate FreeCodeCamp JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Oracle Certified Professional, Javascript dev...
Udacityoffers self-paced courses that always are available so you can take a course whenever you want and study at your own pace. Although the classes are free, the site's Nanodegree certification and tutoring program are costly, running approximately $200 per month. Code School. After you tak...
9. JavaScript Tutorial by W3schools This is a free online JavaScript course that you can take through W3schools — they offer a wide variety of programming lessons. When you’re done, you can take a final exam to earn a JavaScript certification. It’s a good place for beginner to intermed...
5. HTML CSS: Interview Exam, Certification exam 100 Question & Answers This book contains informative questions and answers that help developers pass any HTML-related interview. Reader Rating:4.5/5 Author:Ray Yao 6. Learning Web App Development ...
This is a structured and interactive version of the w3schools HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Tutorials together with the W3schools certification. The program is a set of self-paced courses with text based modules, practical interactive examples and exercises to check your understanding as you progress....