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primitive values, scope, inheritance, the head object, and more. If you’re an intermediate JavaScript developer and want to solidify your understanding of the language, or if you’ve only used JavaScript beneath the mantle of libraries such as jQuery or Prototype, this is the book for you....
你不知道的JavaScript(上)(中文版)194页.pdf,JavaScript 书 图设计丛书 书 978-7- 115-38573-4 2015-04 页 208 49.00 类别 javascript 对JavaScript这门语简单JavaScript语杂 语这编应这杂 语经验JavaScript发员认习话 们书们JavaScript发趋势语 书JavaScript语阅读经验
然后,谷歌推出了最新的 Chrome 浏览器,Facebook 也开始吸引更多的人进入 互联网。JavaScript 开始随着这些互联网巨头的野心而发展。 浏览器开始开发可以在 JavaScript 中使用的API,JS 能够从浏览器中检索 IP 地址和地理位置等信息,使互联网公司能够更好地将其网站的功能本地化。 随后,另一项创新的出现,使 ...
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This is not really the place for an in-depth discussion of the JavaScript language. However, as many folks reading this book have not ventured too far into code-writing territory, I will give you the cook’s tour of basic JavaScript. This introduction is important on two levels: first, to...
javascript权威指南源码.pdf,第章正确认识 ECMAScript5 和 JavaScript 2009 年 12 月,ECMAScript5 被批准通过,成为正式的标准,并被提交给 ISO/IEC 制定为国际标准,这是近几年来最重大的语言更新,作为 网前端最重要的程序语 言,ECMAScript5 正迎来最大的发展机遇