1) 赋值运算符(Assignment operators [əˈsaɪnmənt] ['ɒpəreɪtəz]) 2) 比较运算符(Comparison operators [kəmˈpærɪsən]) 3) 算数运算符(Arithmetic operators [əˈrɪθmɪtɪk]) 4) 位运算符(Bitwise operators [bɪt'waɪz]) 5) 逻辑运算符(Log...
按位操作符(Bitwise operators) 将其操作数(operands)当作32位的比特序列(由0和1组成),前 31 位表示整数的数值,第 32 位表示整数的符号,0 表示正数,1 表示负数。例如,十进制数18,用二进制表示则为10010。按位操作符操作数字的二进制形式,但是返回值依然是标准的JavaScript数值。 按位与( AND) 对于每一个比...
按位操作符 按位操作符(Bitwise operators) 将其操作数(operands)当作32位的比特序列(由0和1组成),前 31 位表示整数的数值,第 32 位表示整数的符号,0 表示正数,1 表示负数。例如,十进制数18,用二进制表示则为10010。按位操作符操作数字的二进制形式,但是返回值依然是标准的JavaScript数值。 按位与( AND) ...
Bitwise operators treat its operands as a set of 32-bit binary digits (zeros and ones) and perform actions. However, the result is shown as a decimal value. OperatorsNameExample & Bitwise AND x & y | Bitwise OR x | y ^ Bitwise XOR x ^ y ~ Bitwise NOT ~x << Left shift x << ...
JavaScript Bitwise Operators Bit operators work on 32 bits numbers. OperatorDescriptionExampleSame asResultDecimal &AND5 & 10101 & 000100011 |OR5 | 10101 | 000101015 ~NOT~ 5~0101101010 ^XOR5 ^ 10101 ^ 000101004 <<left shift5 << 10101 << 1101010 ...
按位操作符(Bitwise operators) 将其操作数(operands)当作32位的比特序列(由0和1组成),前 31 位表示整数的数值,第 32 位表示整数的符号,0 表示正数,1 表示负数。例如,十进制数18,用二进制表示则为10010。按位操作符操作数字的二进制形式,但是返回值依然是标准的JavaScript数值。
most languages, these operators are very close to the hardware and very fast. In JavaScript, they are very far from the hardware and very slow.JavaScript is rarely used for doing bit manipulation.-- Douglas Crockford in "JavaScript: The Good Parts", Appendix B, Bitwise Operators (emphasis ...
Four of these operators perform Boolean algebra on the individual bits of the operands, behaving as if each bit in each operand were a boolean value (1=true, 0=false). The other three bitwise operators are used to shift bits left and right. These operators are not commonly used in ...
The bitwise shift operators take two operands: the first is a quantity to be shifted, and the second specifies the number of bit positions by which the first operand is to be shifted. The direction of the shift operation is controlled by the operator used. ...
If the extension needs (or may possibly) need precision above 53-bits for incoming 64-bit values, the following methods should be utilized instead of relying on standard operators:Expand table Method NameSignatureDescription asNumber .asNumber() Converts the 64-bit value to a JavaScript number...