In JavaScript, you can make all strings in an array of strings uppercase by calling the String.prototype.toUpperCase() method on every element of the array using, for example, like so: /
*@param{array}arra- The array of strings to be sorted *@returns{array}- The sorted array of strings */functionsort_by_string_length(arra){// Loop through each element in the arrayfor(vari=0;i<arra.length;i++){// Compare the current element with the subsequent elementsfor(varj=i+1;...
console.log(i) } // name // age for of 循环是 Es6 中新增的语句,功能非常强大用来替代 for in 和 forEach,for-of循环不仅支持数组,还支持大多数类数组对象,它允许你遍历Arrays(数组), Strings(字符串), Maps(映射), Sets(集合)等可迭代(Iterable data)的数据结构,注意它的兼容性。 // 类数组对象 ...
Examples of JavaScript Arrays Here are a few examples of JavaScript arrays: // empty array const emptyArray = []; // array of strings const dailyActivities = ["eat", "work", "sleep"]; // array with mixed data types const mixedArray = ["work", 1, true]; Note: Unlike many other...
8、for of (在 ES6 中引入的 for...of 循环,以替代for...in和forEach(),并支持新的迭代协议。 for...of 允许你遍历 Arrays(数组), Strings(字符串), Maps(映射), Sets(集合) 等可迭代的数据结构等(不包括对象))。 // 字符串 let str = "hello"; ...
Use a for...of loop to iterate over the array of strings. Convert each string to a number and push the number into the new array. index.js const arrOfStr = ['1', '2', '3']; const arrOfNum = []; for (const element of arrOfStr) { arrOfNum.push(parseInt(element)); } con...
The result is a comma-separated string that contains the string equivalents of each value in the array. Example var colors = ["red", "blue", "green"]; //creates an array with three strings console.log(colors.toString()); //red,blue,green console.log(colors.valueOf()); //red,blue...
Converting an array of strings conststrArray=['a','b','c']; strArray.toString();// expected output: a,b,c The above code concatenates all of the strings in the array together into a single comma-delimited string, representing the values in the array. ...
To convert given string into an array of characters in JavaScript, use String.split() method. split() method takes separator string as argument, and splits the calling string into chunks, and returns them as an array of strings. To split the string into an array of characters, pass empty...
// sorting an array of strings var names = ["Adam", "Jeffrey", "Fabiano", "Danil", "Ben"]; // returns the sorted array console.log(names.sort()); // modifies the array in place console.log(names); var priceList = [1000, 50, 2, 7, 14]; priceList.sort(); // Number ...