let elementClass = element.classList; elementClasses 是一个 DOMTokenList 表示 element 的类属性。如果类属性未设置或为空,那么 elementClasses.length 返回 0。element.classList 本身是只读的,虽然你可以使用 add() 和 remove() 方法修改它。 方法: add( String [, String] ) 添加指定的类值。如果这些类...
element.classList.add("my-class"); And element.classList.remove to remove a class: element.classList.remove("my-class"); If you need to support Internet Explorer 9 or lower: Add a space plus the name of your new class to the className property of the element. First, put an id o...
entry.isIntersectingconstelement = entry.target; element.classList.remove("outview-top","inview-top","inview-bottom","outview-bottom");// Scrolling upif(currentY < previousY) {constclassName = (currentRatio >= previousRatio) ?"inview-top":"outview-top"; element.classList....
Adding a CSS class to an element using JavaScript. Now, let’s add the CSS class“newClass”to the DIV element“intro”. For the purpose of this example, I have added a delay using the setTimeout() method so that you can see the style changing: //Delay the JS execution by 5 secon...
element.classList.remove('first_class', 'second_class'); }); Explanation ADVERTISEMENT The "for loop" is required for the multiple classes to operate the functionality. The "classList.remove(class_names)" method is necessary for removing single or multiple classes UI from the web page. ...
Array.of\(element0\[, element1\[, …\[, elementN\]\]\]\)[14] 基于可变数量的参数创建一个新的 Array 实例,而不需要考虑参数的数量或类型。 有关完整列表,请参阅 手册[15]。 20. Iterable object(可迭代对象) 可以应用 for..of 的对象被称为 可迭代的。 技术上来说,可迭代对象必须实现 Symbol...
In jQuery, we’re used to this: $(element).addClass(className); Potential usage again: $('.button').click(function() { $(this).addClass('ie6rules'); }); Again, here’s my stab at creating a nice addClass function, which passes the className directly onto the element’s ...
var objMyTable = document.getElementById("myTable"); objMyTable.border=1;//为表格设置边框为1 这个方法也全部适用,呵呵。 4、创建表格 了解了行与单元格的增删那就可以创建表格了。 第一步:你需要有一个你去动态变化的表格,我这里讲的是已经存在页面的表格,我们要设置一个id:myTable var objMyTable...
element.focus(); console.log("JS focus"); } }) 所有表单都支持focus(),change(),blur()这三个事件。如下例子: vartextbox = document.forms[0].elements[0]; EventUtil.addHandler(textbox,"focus",function(event){ event=EventUtil.getEvent(event);vartarget =EventUtil.getTarget(event);if(target.st...
There is a form on the page that is added to that element by clicking the add button And by pressing the delete button, the created element will be deleted The problem is that the elements that exist on the page before adding can be deleted But the elements that are added by clicking ...