// Original string let existingString = "Hell"; // Character to add let charToAdd = "o"; // Using the + operator to add the character at the end let newString = existingString + charToAdd; // Logging the result console.log(newString); Output: The + operator, with its clear an...
log(addSquares(4, 5)); // 41 由于内部函数形成了闭包,因此你可以调用外部函数并为外部函数和内部函数指定参数: jsCopy to Clipboard function outside(x) { function inside(y) { return x + y; } return inside; } const fnInside = outside(3); // 可以这样想:给我一个可以将提供的值加上 3...
eslint: no-new-func Why? Creating a function in this way evaluates a string similarly to eval(), which opens vulnerabilities. // bad const add = new Function('a', 'b', 'return a + b'); // still bad const subtract = Function('a', 'b', 'return a - b');...
unsafe_undefined (default: false) -- substitute void 0 if there is a variable named undefined in scope (variable name will be mangled, typically reduced to a single character) unused (default: true) -- drop unreferenced functions and variables (simple direct variable assignments do not count as...
urlCollectHashBooleanFalseEnables the logging of values after a "#" character of the URL. urlCollectQueryBooleanFalseEnables the logging of the query string of the URL. behaviorValidatorFunctionNullCallback function to use for thedata-*-bhvrvalue validation. For more information, see thebehaviorVali...
The data being read in from the game_stats.csv file is coming in as one large string. To parse each row of data, we need to first split each row. Each row is delimited by a newline character. Using the split(/\r\n|\n/) function on the allPlayerStats parameter results in an ...
对象constrange =newRange()constliDoms =document.querySelectorAll("li");// Range 起始位置在 li 2range.setStartBefore(liDoms[1]);// Range 结束位置在 li 3range.setEndAfter(liDoms[2]);// 获取 selection 对象constselection =window.getSelection();// 添加光标选择的范围selection.addRange(range)...
$(".btn.danger").button("toggle").addClass("fat") All methods should accept an optional options object, a string which targets a particular method, or nothing (which initiates a plugin with default behavior): $("#myModal").modal() // initialized with defaults $("#myModal").modal({ ...
Added atagContainerMarkervariable that allows the implementation to specify up to 4 characters that are appended to the version string along with an additional dash character delimiter. This is used by dynamic tag management. // JavaScripts.tagContainerMarker="D1.0";// Data Collection request//....
Using a tab character mimics the “standard” pretty-print appearance: appendElement(JSON.stringify(person2, null, '\t'), 'pre'); /* { "name": "Charlotte", "age": 29, "location": { "city": "London", "country": "UK",