In addition to the Indian and Javan, there are the Sumatran, the Black, and the White Rhino. Rhinocerotidae belongs to the Order Perissodactyla, or Odd Toed Ungulates, which has 14 known extinct families, and three living families, with Equidae and the horses, donkeys, zebras, and more. ...
The Javan rhinoceros once roamed from India, to Vietnam, and south to the islands of Indonesia. The last mainland Javan rhino was poached in 2010, leaving the subspecies of mainland Javan rhinos extinct. Female Javan rhinos often lack a horn or have a small “nub.” Today, the Javan rhino...
RookmaakerL.CActa Crystallogr D Biol CrystallogrROOKMAAKER, K. (2002): Historical records of the Javan rhinoceros in north-east India. The Rhino Foundation for Nature in NE India Newsletter 4: 11-12.
13.Javan rhinos, which once lived throughout northeast India and Southeast Asia, are among the most threatened of the five rhino species. 14.The sons of Japheth : Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan Tubal, Meshech and Tiras. 雅弗 的儿子是歌篾, 玛各, 玛代,雅完, 土巴, 米设,提拉. ...
Furthermore, we found that the activities of banteng, barking deer, Javan deer, Javan mousedeer, wild boar, junglefowl, spangled ebony langur, Javan rhino, long-tailed macaque and dhole were highly overlapping with those of Javan leopards in space and time, suggesting that these ten species ...
, spangled ebony langur (Trachypithecus auratus), Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus), long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) and dhole (Cuon alpinus) were highly overlapping with those of Javan leopards in space and time, suggesting that these species are potential candidate prey for Javan ...
Campbell, ClareGuwahati Asian Rhino Specialist GroupTALUKDAR, B.K., SECTIONOV and CAMPBELL, C. (2012) Report on the Meeting for Conservation of Sumatran and Javan Rhino in South East Asia. Asian Rhino Specialist Group, Guwahati, Assam, India....