下载完成后,可以很方便地将ANDROID_SDK环境变量指向所下载的adt-bundle-xxx/sdk文件夹(xxx与所下载的版本和对应的操作系统相关。)Dalvik JavaFX-Android SDK(由JavaFX的Android移植团队提供)可以从BitBucket网站的JavaFX Ports项目中下载。下载并解压最新的dalvik-sdk-version.zip文件。(我们可以将环境变量DALVIK_SDK设置...
从http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javafx/downloads/javafx2-macosx-487281.html下载JavaFX SDK zip文件。 从zip文件解压SDK文件到本地目录。 样例 JavaFX样例程序在下载该zip文件并解压到包含SDK的目录中,目录结构类似这样: javafx-sdk2.0\
1.有位大神已经编译好javafx on android执行环境dalvik-sdk,只是仅仅支持jdk7的特性。 大神博客地址:http://java.dzone.com/articles/javafx-and-android dalvik-sdk地址:https://bitbucket.org/javafxports/android/wiki/Home 2.自己编译open javafx for android : https://blogs.oracle.com/jfxprg/entry/how_t...
这个是后面须要研究的事。 4.在环境变量里加入ANDROID_HOME,用于指定AndroidSDK的文件夹。 在完毕了上面的操作后。通过cmd进入到演示样例文件夹的文件夹里,执行gradle run,看看是否能执行,假设能执行。则执行gradle android来打包我们的APK程序。 打包好的APK放在build/javafxports/android文件夹以下。 另外,有一个重要...
步骤:1. 准备工作:安装 Gluon Plugin 插件(可以在 IntelliJ IDEA 插件市场或 Eclipse 插件市场中找到)。2. 创建 JavaFX 项目:在 IntelliJ IDEA 中,使用 Gluon Plugin 创建一个 Gluon Mobile 项目。选择 "Mobile - Single View Project"。3. 编写 JavaFX 代码:在项目中编写 JavaFX 代码,确保你...
Android中 DialogFragment 全屏时 在android11机型失效的问题
Hello, I am using JavaFx webview with Jfxpanel to show html contents in FileEditor in Intellij Plugin...Webview is working fine when i...
The library must be present in the plug-in distribution, not in the SDK, since other users will not have it present in their SDK, hence it must be a part of your plug-in. The first problem was caused by the missing JavaFX in the Java installation u...
org.javafxports:jfxmobile-plugin:2.0.19 controlfx 9.0.0 branch gradle target: androidInstall Description ControlFX does not build properly using AndroidInstall : "default or static interface method used without --min-sdk-version >= 24". ...
Getting the SDK The best way to use the SDK and create JavaFX applications for mobile devices, is by using the JavaFX Mobile Gradle plugin, asexplained in the JavaFXPorts documentation. Version 1.0.3 of the JavaFX Mobile Gradle plugin, which has just been released, is already pre-configured ...