outer:for(inti=101; i <150; i++) {for(intj=2;j<i/2;j++){if(i%j==0){continueouter; } } System.out.println(i+" "); } //打印三角形for(intj=1; j <=5; j++) {for(intt=5;t>=j;t--){ System.out.print("8"); }for(intt=1;t<=j;t++){ System.out.print("*");...
Method[] methods = Sub.class.getMethods(); for (Method method : methods) { if(method.getName().equals("test")){ Annotation[] allMAnnos = method.getAnnotations(); Annotation[] deMAnnos = method.getDeclaredAnnotations(); Annotation subMAnno = method.getAnnotation(SubAnnotation.class); Annota...
public static void main(String[] args) { //获取方法上的注解值 Method[] methods = AnnotationTest.class.getDeclaredMethods(); if(methods != null){ for (Method method : methods) { HelloAnnotation2 anntotion2 = method.getAnnotation(HelloAnnotation2.class); if(anntotion2 == null){ continue; ...
Let's update checkstyle.xml to omit the main method from the javadoc requirement, as the purpose of the main method is clear.master Eclipse-Dominator authored and damithc committed Aug 4, 2023 1 parent e9f1ca7 commit 3dbe70e Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion. White...
/** comment for class */public class Test {/** comment for a attribute */int number;/** comment for a method */public void myMethod() { ... } ... } 上例中的三处注释就是分别对类、属性和方法的文档注释。它们生成的文档分别是说明紧接其后的类、属性、方法的。“紧接”二字尤其重要,...
}for(MethodDeclaration method : classDeclaration.getMethods()) {if(method.getAnnotationByClass(ApiOperation.class).isPresent()) {continue; }StringmethodComment=methodCommentMap.get(method.getNameAsString());if(StrUtil.isEmpty(methodComment)) {if(method.getJavadoc().isPresent()) { ...
官方回答: Javadoc is a tool for generating API documentation in HTML format from doc comments in source code. 译:Javadoc是一款能根据源代码中的文档注释来产生HTML格式的API文档的工具。 说人话:只要你在java源码中按一定的格式写注释,就可以利用javadoc这款工具自动生成配套的API文档。
The javadoc command generates a declaration at the start of each class, interface, field, constructor, and method description for that API item. For example, the declaration for the Boolean class is: public final class Boolean extends Object implements Serializable The declaration for the Boolean....
/*** A utility class for working with dates.* @since 1.5*/public class DateUtils {}@deprecated: 标记不再推荐使用的元素。/*** Old method that should not be used anymore.* @deprecated Use the {@link #newMethod()} instead.*/@Deprecatedpublic void oldMethod() {}@inheritDoc: 继承父类或...