For example, the compiler creates default versions of constructors that are not present in the source code. If Javadoc did not use the Java compiler, it would be difficult to handle these special cases. A13. Can I run javadoc on source files from other languages, such as C, C++ or ...
The JDK tool that generates API documentation from documentation comments. Source Files The Javadoc tool can generate output originating from four different types of "source" files: Source code files for Java classes (.java) - these contain class, interface, field, constructor and method comments....
It's important to include comments when coding java docs to explain how to use the constructor, not how it works. Java docs are helpful for those who use your code without worrying about the implementation details. The constructor should detail the expected arguments and other essential informati...
2. 只负责描述类(class)、接口(interface)、方法(method)、构造器(constructor)、成员字段(field),在函数内部的注释无法生成javadoc 3. 支持HTML标记,如果有多段内容,要用<p>来标注,空格或是换行是没用的 4.javadoc有一些特殊标签,例如{@link URL},javadoc有哪些标签可参考官方(
Javadoc (JRE 22) will use the javadoc placed above the compact constructor. It's possible that I misunderstood what you wrote, but you seem to be implying that the compact constructor's Javadoc will not be used. In my own testing, I see that if I provide different descriptions for a@par...
The JDK tool that generates API documentation from documentation comments. Source Files The Javadoc tool can generate output originating from four different types of "source" files: Source code files for Java classes (.java) - these contain class, interface, field, constructor and method comments....
for (OtherJavadoc other : classDoc.getOther()) { System.out.println(other.getName() + ": " + format(other.getComment())); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("CONSTRUCTORS"); for (MethodJavadoc methodDoc : classDoc.getConstructors()) { printMethodJavadoc(methodDoc); } System...
Missing Constructor(缺少构造器) 检查类(除了抽象类)是否定义了一个构造器,而不是依赖于默认构造器。 Missing Switch Default(缺少switch默认分支) 检查switch语句是否含有default子句。 解释:在每个switch语句中引入一条默认分支通常是一个很好的主意。即使开发者确信所有当前可能的分支都能覆盖到,这也应当在default分支中...
之前在看到一篇文章总结了How to write doc comments for the javadoc tools,觉得写得很好,为了自己记忆,在这里再总结一遍 1. javadoc第一行以两个*号开始,结尾是一个* /** * javadoc注释 */ 1. 2. 3. 2. 只负责描述类(class)、接口(interface)、方法(method)、构造器(constructor)、成员字段(field),在...
Source Code Comments You can include documentation comments in the source code, ahead of declarations for any class, interface, method, constructor, or field. You can also create documentation comments for each package and another one for the overview, though their syntax is slightly different. A...