you may not invoke methods of this SVNRepository object from within the provided handler this functionality is not available in pre-1.1 servers Parameters: path - an item's path pegRevision - a revision in which path is first looked up revisions - an array of numbers of interesting revisio...
When it makes sense, you can specify one release number per @version tag or multiple release numbers per tag. In the former case, the javadoc command inserts a comma (,) and a space between the names. In the latter case, the entire text is copied to the generated document without being...
/*** Divides two numbers and throws an exception if the divisor is zero.* @param dividend The number to be divided.* @param divisor The divisor.* @return The result of the division.* @throws ArithmeticException If the divisor is zero.*/public double safeDivide(double dividend, double divi...
classes, methods, constructors and fields use any part of the given class, interface or package. Given a class or interface A, its "use" page includes subclasses of A, fields declared as A, methods that return
text field, as in the TextField class. Note that this kind of field might be restricted to holding dates, numbers or any text. Alternate names might be "date field" or "number field", as appropriate. Avoid Latin-- use "also known as" instead of "aka", use "that is" or "to be ...
According to the standard rules for reference links, you must escape any use of square brackets within a reference. This might occur when you are creating a reference to a method with an array parameter. The following shows a link toString.copyValueOf(char[]) ...
Get all Message objects from this Folder. Returns an empty array if the folder is empty. Clients can use Message objects (instead of sequence numbers) as references to the messages within a folder; this method supplies the Message objects to the client. Folder implementations are expected to pr...
Note that this kind of field might be restricted to holding dates, numbers or any text. Alternate names might be "date field" or "number field", as appropriate. Avoid Latin use "also known as" instead of "aka", use "that is" or "to be specific" instead of "i.e.", use "for ...
Positive numbers mean that the finger/curor is moving down the screen, which means we want to scroll towards the top. int height = getHeight() - mPaddingBottom - mPaddingTop; int bottom = getChildAt(0).getHeight(); mScroller.fling(mScrollX, mScrollY, 0, velocityY, 0, 0, 0, ...
If the runtime configuration of this store is non-segmented, it is equivalent to the store not having the SEGMENTABLE characteristic, which might cause parameters to be null or invalid segment numbers. Store implementation can block this configuration by throwing an exc...