最近需要验一下JDK的版本兼容性,找了一台JDK11的机器,改了一上JAVA_HOME,然后source /etc/profile...
The “java_home does not point to a valid JVM installation” error usually occurs when the system cannot find a valid Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installation at the specifiedJAVA_HOMEpath. TheJAVA_HOMEenvironment variable is used to specify the location of the JDK installation on your system. ...
Ok so at this point I need to clarify, there is no valid reason to install the openJDK, generally speaking we only support the oracle JDK. IMHO there is something that has taken place up to this point that is preventing proper installation, perhaps things failed initially ...
通过遵循上述步骤,我们可以解决"the environment variable JAVA_HOME dose not point to a valid JVM installation"问题。首先,我们确认Java安装路径,然后配置JAVA_HOME环境变量并验证其正确性,最后重新启动命令行终端或开发工具。这样,我们的Java应用程序应该能够正确地使用JAVA_HOME变量并指向正确的Java安装路径。希望这...
No valid Maven installation found. Either set the home directory in the configuration dialog or set 2019-12-23 19:59 −原因: IDEA的maven地址设置出错,系统找不到指定的maven路径 解决: setting--->maven修改正确的maven链接地址。 设置你maven 的地址为你的存放路基就好了 ... 1...
layui 报错 jQuery is not defined 2019-12-23 14:00 −Layui hint: jstree is not a valid module,layui 报错 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined layui 扩展外部模块 jstree 报此错误 查找原因发现,jquery 已经引入进来,但是 jstre... ...
【IDEA】The environment variable JAVA_HOME(with the value of xxx) does not point to a valid JVM,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
ERROR:JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory gradle -version 出错的JAVA_HOME设置为:D:\program files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21;出错如下图: 修改JAVA_HOME设置为:D:\program files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21(去掉了后面的分号),错误解决。 具体原因:不清楚。两个字坑爹。
1、首先找到项目所在目录的.idea文件夹下的encodings.xml,并打开。2、这时你会看到有一个或几个 <file / > 的提示 ,然后在idea里点击file找到setting。3、 然后按照encodings.xml里的<file />里的url中找到java文件,点击右边的编码,并选择clear。4、最后将encodings.xml里的<file> url中的所有...
_ERROR: JAVA_HOME exists but does not point to a valid Java home folder. No "\bin\java.exe" file can be found there._ The SonarQube Scanner did not complete successfully 18:12:55.44 Post-processing failed. Exit code: 1 Related information SonarScanner for MSBuild 4.6.2 SonarQube: ...