There seems to be a problem with the alpine images. At least there is for me. I also tried the deprecated java:8-jre-alpine image and got the same result. Dockerfile: FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine ARG FINALNAME ADD /$FINALNAME /$FINALNAME CM...
FROM java:8-alpine RUN echo -e "\n\" > /etc/apk/repositories RUN apk --update add curl bash ttf-dejavu && \ rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* 使用此Dockerfile重新build一个java镜...
$ docker run --rm -ti java:8-jre-alpine sh / # ldd /usr/lib/jvm/default-jvm/bin/java /lib/ (0x7f60e8a6d000) Error loading shared library No such file or directory (needed by /usr/lib/jvm/default-jvm/bin/java) => /li...
基于Alpine Linux的轻量级Java运行环境。 Java 8的服务器版JRE,支持运行Java应用程序。 无加密强度限制,适用于需要强加密算法的应用场景。 常见的Linux工具和库,便于进行系统管理和应用程序部署。 3. 描述如何获取并使用这个Docker镜像 获取镜像 你可以通过Docker的pull命令从Docker Hub上拉取这个镜像: bash docker pull...
Java Docker映像 该映像基于Alpine Linux映像,该映像只有5MB映像,并且包含Java运行时(JRE)和Java开发工具包(JDK),它们方便地打包到单独的Docker标签中。 由于Oracle JAVA许可变更而导致的贬值 感谢所有使用此仓库衍生图像的人,以及所有启发和贡献的人。 2019年4月之后,由于Oracle Java许可更改,此存储库已弃用,现在仅供...
Hi Team, We are seeing below errors for JAVA8 Alpine JRE and JDK image tags. /bin/sh: /app/ not found Can you please look into this? We have also noticed that jre-alpine tag is no more supported but still exist. Is there any pla...
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to load any of the given libraries: [netty_tcnative_linux_x86_64, netty_tcnative_linux_x86_64_fedora, netty_tcnative_x86_64, netty_tcnative] at
Versions: Base-Image:Alpine 3.11.12 Java:OpenJDK 8 1.8.0(Java Runtime Environment (JRE)) Agent-Bond:1.2.0(Jolokia 1.7.1, jmx_exporter 0.3.1)
build: Upgrade alpine to 3.16.2, upgrade jre to 8.345.01-r0. Aug 25, 2022 Update Aug 16, 2019 NaN Nov 1, 2019 Repository files navigation README fabric8-java-alpine-openjdk8-jre Based on
docker run --rm -it --name thekindkeptn amazoncorretto:8-alpine-jre /usr/bin/java docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "/usr/bin/java": stat /usr/bin/java: no such file or directory: unknown. ...