Web Assets Language Runtime HTTP Clients Logging Bridges Dependency Injection XML Processing Web Frameworks Android Platform I/O Utilities Defect Detection Metadata Code Generators Configuration Libraries Concurrency Libraries OSGi Utilities JDBC Drivers ...
The location of the javadoc files depends on where you get it from. The easiest is, once published, from Maven central. For example, look it up on Maven central: https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.couchbase.client/java-client/3.4.5/jar and download the javadoc jar: https://search.ma...
java基础知识 - Maven - 解决Maven无法下载fastdfs-client-java依赖 参考
Core Utilities Mocking Annotation Libraries Web Assets Language Runtime HTTP Clients Logging Bridges Dependency Injection XML Processing Web Frameworks Android Platform I/O Utilities Defect Detection Metadata Code Generators Configuration Libraries Concurrency Libraries ...
Maven Add the following to pom.xml: <repositories> <repository> <id>jitpack.io</id> <url>https://jitpack.io</url> </repository> </repositories> Add the dependency: <dependency> <groupId>com.github.appium</groupId> <artifactId>java-client</artifactId> <version>latest commit ID from ma...
2.需要把fastdfs-client-java开发工具包打包到本地的Maven仓库 2.1解压fastdfs-client-java-master 2.2进入fastdfs-client-java目录,在此处打开命令窗口 cmd 2.3输入 mvn clean install 3.构建一小会,如出现以下。则成功把fastdfs-client-java打包到本地的Maven仓库 ...
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } } Add the dependency: dependencies { implementation 'com.github.appium:java-client:latest commit id from master branch' } Changelog 7.3.0 [ENHANCEMENTS] Add support for logging custom events on the Appium Server.#1262 ...
一些高级用例需要client-java-extended添加以下 Maven 依赖项后才能使用的模块: 代码语言:javascript 复制 <dependency><groupId>io.kubernetes</groupId><artifactId>client-java-extended</artifactId><version>17.0.0</version></dependency> 或者,可以使用以下 Gradle 依赖项: ...
这可怎么办? 解决办法如下: 1.下载fastdfs-client-java开发工具包 我这里用git直接克隆的,比较快 下载之后你会发现这里是没有所需要的jar包的,怎么办? 2.把fastdfs-client-java开发工具包打包到本地的Maven仓库 cmd下进入下载路径 然后输入:mvn clean install 最后出现build success字样就......
This command creates a directory namedhbaseappat the current location, which contains a basic Maven project. The second command changes the working directory tohbaseapp. The third command creates a new directory,conf, which can be used later. Thehbaseappdirectory contains the following items: ...