When a Java program is being compiled, the compiler creates a list of all the identifiers in use. If it can't find what an identifier refers to (e.g., there is no declaration statement for a variable) it cannot complete the compilation. 编译Java程序时,编译器会创建一个所有正在使用的标识...
Header:Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h. Library:Use Kernel32.lib. 我很奇怪,这个VC 6.0应该支持的啊。开始我以为这是缺补丁之故,把VC 6.0sp6装上(之前已经安装了sp5),编译依然出现‘OpenThread”: undeclared identifier的错误。我上网查了一下资料,发现是Platform SDK版本过低的缘故,于是到网上下载了...
Most of them are Use of undeclared identifier SLComposeViewController. This error means that the compiler doesn’t know we’re using the iOS 6 Social framework, and therefore it doesn’t recognize the SLComposeViewController. Xcode project templates only set us up to use the most common ...
AttributeInUseException AttributeList AttributeList AttributeList AttributeListImpl AttributeModificationException AttributeNotFoundException Attributes Attributes Attributes Attributes.Name Attributes2 Attributes2Impl AttributeSet AttributeSet AttributeSet.CharacterAttribute AttributeSet.ColorAttribute ...
Disabled Warning Use of concrete JDBC driver class Disabled Warning Use of sun.* classes Disabled Warning Probable bugs Nullability problems Inspection name Default state Default severity @NotNull field is not initialized Enabled Warning @NotNull/@Nullable problems Enabled Warning Return of null...
Packages that use 异常 软件包描述 com.sun.jdi 这是Java调试接口(JDI)的核心包,它定义了值,类型和目标VirtualMachine本身的镜像 - 以及引导工具。 com.sun.jdi.connect 此程序包定义使用JDI的虚拟机与目标虚拟机之间的连接。 com.sun.jdi.connect.spi 该软件包包含用于开发新TransportService实现的接口和类...
7095856 other-libs corba:rmi-iiop OutputStreamHook doesn't handle null values 8035973 security-libs NPE in ForwardBuilder 8027026 security-libs java.security Change keytool -genkeypair to use -keyalg RSA 8033120 security-libs java.security JWS doesn't get authenticated when using kerberos 8049480 ...
getUndeclaredThrowable() このUndeclaredThrowableException でラップされた Throwable インスタンスを返します (null も可)。 Throwable UndeclaredThrowableException.getCause() この例外の原因を返します (この UndeclaredThrowableException 内にラップされた Throwable インスタンス、null も可)。
public double getSystemLoadAverage() { if (loadAverageAvailable) { checkJmxApp(); if (jmxApp == null) { return -1; } try { return osMXBean.getSystemLoadAverage(); } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { jmxApp = null; return getSys...
返回指定键所映射的值;如果对于该键来说,此映射不包含任何映射关系,则返回 null。 get(Object) - 类 java.util.Hashtable 中的方法 返回指定键所映射到的值,如果此映射不包含此键的映射,则返回 null. 更确切地讲,如果此映射包含满足 (key.equals(k)) 的从键 k 到值v 的映射,则此方法返回 v;否则,...