importcom.hp.autonomy.hod.client.api.authentication.AuthenticationToken;//导入依赖的package包/类privatevoidtestHmacSign(finalString expectedHmacToken,finalString application){finalString tokenId ="DF7aRd8VEeSiCdSFZKbA7w";finalString tokenSecret ="Ba90fFmxdioyouz06xr1fhn6Nxq4nB90jWEQ2UzDQr8";finalA...;//導入依賴的package包/類@OverridepublicvoidsetAccumuloConfigs(Job job)throwsAccumuloSecurityException{super.setAccumuloConfigs(job);finalString tableName = getTableName();finalString principal = getPrincipal();finalAuthenticationTokentoke...
The so-called Session authentication is simply to store User information in the Session. Because of the unpredictability of SessionID, it is considered safe for the time being. And Token, if it refers to OAuth Token or a similar mechanism, it provides authentication and authorization, authenticati...
Learn to add custom token based authentication to REST APIs using created with Spring REST and Spring security 5. In given example, a request with header name “AUTH_API_KEY” with a predefined value will pass through. All other requests will return HTTP 403 response. Learn to addcustom toke...
There are other ways to authenticate besides the below example that could potentially be better suited for your needs. All methods are outlined here:Authenticate with the Azure management libraries for Java Authentication Example Using a Service Principal ...
public class MobilePhoneAuthenticationToken extends AbstractAuthenticationToken { // 登录身份,这里是手机号 private Object principal; // 登录凭证,这里是短信验证码 private Object credentials; /** * 构造方法 * @param authorities 权限集合 * @param principal 登录身份 ...
Note: Use azure-identity version 1.7.0 or later to utilize token caching support for managed identity authentication.ExamplesAuthenticate in Azure with Managed IdentityThis example demonstrates authenticating the SecretClient from the azure-security-keyvault-secrets client library using the ManagedIdentity...
Built on top of the OAuth 2.0, Open ID Connect, JSON Web Token (JWT) and SAML 2.0 specifications. Keycloak has tight integration with a variety of platforms and has a HTTP security proxy service where we don't have tight integration. Options are to deploy it with an existing app server,...
Example 5-1 Example One-Way SSL Authentication Using JNDI ... Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory"); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3s://weblogic:7002"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "javaclient"); env....
Java GET Request Basic Server Authentication Related API examples and articles How do I Send a Request with Bearer Token Authorization Header?How do I send a GET request using Curl?How to get JSON from URL?How do I send Basic Auth Credentials with Curl?How do I get JSON with Curl?How do...