functioncommandlimit最大函数指令数量 maxCommandChainLength连锁型命令方块能连锁执行的最大数量 maxEntityCramming实体挤压上限(超过上限会造成挤压伤害) playersSleepingPercentage入睡比例(入睡玩家达到比例会跳到第二天) spawnRadius重生半径(玩家死亡后会在距离重生点一定半径内重生) randomTickSpeed随机刻速度(随机事件发生...
区块刻 现在露天方块检查天气更新的频率受游戏规则randomTickSpeed影响。 数据包 将数据包版本号更改为18。 向盔甲纹饰中加入了decal字段,默认为false。 如果设为true,其纹饰会根据其底层的盔甲来遮罩。 调试屏幕 若玩家处于服务器,调试屏幕的SH一行中的值会显示为问号,而不再显示错误的值。 通过F3 + B显示碰...
/scoreboard players set up_speed lift01 10 /scoreboard players set up_delay lift01 9 这样升降梯便会在第9个tick保存结构,第10个tick时向上运行一格。注意如果调整down_speed与dwon_delay时需要输入负数!并且有关系down_speed<down_delay<0<up_delay<up_speed。 lift是电梯实际楼层,这个可以通过每层楼设置...
duration 参数现在是一个时间段,单位是 tick ,同时 t、s 和d 等后缀同样生效 To retain existing functionality, you need to add an s suffix to pre-existing commands 想要保留旧命令的功能,你需要在之前的命令后添加 s 后缀RIDERIDENew command to allow entities to start or stop riding other entities....
MC-93320 — 即使randomTickSpeed为0,水仍然会结冰。 MC-121772 —在macOS上按住⇧ Shift时无法滚动。 MC-122296 — 无法使用Mac“妙控鼠标”进行水平滚动。 MC-122547 — 屏障可以产生摔落粒子。 MC-140646 — 使用⇧ Shift键选择文本时,文本字段不会滚动。
this.speed = 100 this.move = function (dt) { dt = dt / 1000 var x = this.x var y = this.y switch(this.direction) { case DIRECTION.UP: { y -= this.speed * dt break } case DIRECTION.DOWN: { y += this.speed * dt
public static final int BEST_SPEED 1 public static final int DEFAULT_COMPRESSION -1 public static final int DEFAULT_STRATEGY 0 public static final int DEFLATED 8 public static final int FILTERED 1 public static final int HUFFMAN_ONLY 2 public static final int NO_COMPRESSION 0java...
. But if you’ve defined conditions or other parameters for a breakpoint, you might prefer it to be disabled, rather than deleted, when you click on it. You can do this by right-clicking the breakpoint icon and uncheckEnabled. A tick indicates that there is information for this line ...
set-dns-cache-prop command's max-entries property FileCacheEnabled in nsfc.conf enabled element of the file-cache element Configuration's Performance tab ⇒ Cache tab set-file-cache-prop command's enabled property KeepAliveThreads in magnus.conf threads element of the keep-alive element ...
We could useFind Action(Shift+Ctrl+Aor⇧⌘A) again to rearrange the file, or reformat the file and tick the rearrange code option. But we can also useSearch Everywhere(Shift+Shiftor⇧⇧) and type “rearrange”. Once we’ve called the rearrange code action, we’ll see that our pr...