packagea;publicclassMyClass{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){ System.out.println("Hello world"); } } I was wondering the reason why I get this error (I'm using visual studio, I say it in case it is related to my error): The declaredpackage"a"does not match the expectedpacka...
编译报错:The declared package does not match the expected package bao Java 大概的原因是编译器在bao这个包名下找不到, 所以需要在vscode中把根目录加入到java的sourcepath 使得编译器在寻找Point.java时,以项目根目录作为基准寻找路径,这样就编译通过了。 另外还有, 有的时候你在主方法里run或者debug...
2. 缓存问题 重新编译或者重新发布下!!
When I build with gradle everything is great. From the Java compilers perspective there is nothing wrong with my code. But the VsCode java plugin is complaining about my package statement... It says ... The declared package "dawcore" does not match the expected package "". My folder stru...
Which gives me the following error: [Java] The declared package "com.github.lemmingswalker" does not match the expected package "" Environment Operating System: Mac OSX JDK version: jdk1.8.0_144 Visual Studio Code version: Version 1.14.2 (1.14.2) Java extension version: 0.8.0 Collaborator...
如果在编写代码时遇到 "The declared package does not match the expected package" 的错误,那可能是因为源文件中的包声明与编译器期望的包名不符,或者源文件的位置与包声明不匹配。为了解决这个问题,需要确保源文件中的包声明正确,并且源文件位于与包声明相对应的目录结构下。
今天在写项目时候遇到了这个报错Package 'java.lang' is declared in module 'java.base', which is not in the module graph看起来像是哪里冲突或者配错了,不然不可能这么基础的包报错的~ 查到的解决办法 使用itellij idea写javafx程序时,刚开始挺顺利的,功能也实现了。后来过了一段时间重新打开idea看项目时忽... is the main java file. InputHelper is a seperate class which I use in I want to make a project and package both ( or more ) files. Error Message: The declared package "" does not match the expected package java visual-studio-code Shar...
This code simply generates a message to let you know that ignorable white space was seen. However, not all parsers are created equal. The SAX specification does not require that this method be invoked. The Java XML implementation does so whenever the DTD makes it possible. ...
通过以上步骤,你应该能够成功解决“Package ‘java.lang’ is declared in module ‘java.base’, which is not in the module graph”的问题。首先,确认问题来源并检查你的编译器版本。然后,检查项目的依赖项和模块配置,并确保正确地声明了对java.base模块的依赖。最后,重新编译和运行你的项目。如果你按照这些步骤...