StringescapedString="This is a string with \"escaped\" double quotes";StringunescapedString=escapedString.replaceAll("\\\"","\"");System.out.println(unescapedString); 1. 2. 3. 序列图 下面是一个简单的序列图,展示了如何将被转义的双引号还原成原始的形式: UnescapeMethodEscapeMethodJavaCodeUnescape...
There are some cases when we need to have double quotes as part of the String. In this post, you will see how to escape double quotes in Java String using the escape character (/). Escaping double quotes in Java String If we try to add double quotes inside a String, we will get a...
publicclassEscapeExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Stringstr1="Hello, \nWorld!";Stringstr2="This is a tab \t example";Stringstr3="Escape double quotes: \"Java\"";System.out.println(str1);System.out.println(str2);System.out.println(str3);}} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8....
String[] test0 = p1.split(s, 1);//[“boo:and:foo”] String[] test1 = p1.split(s, 2);//{ “boo”, “and:foo” } String[] test2 = p1.split(s, 5);//{ “boo”, “and”, “foo” } String[] test3 = p1.split(s, -2);//{ “boo”, “and”, “foo” } Pattern...
// use the escape character String example = "This is the \"String\" class."; Now escape characters tell the compiler to escape double quotes and read the whole text. Java Strings are Immutable In Java, strings are immutable. This means once we create a string, we cannot change that st...
valueString ="\""+ escapeDoubleQuotes(valueString) +"\""; } line = line.concat(valueString);if(i != columnCount) { line = line.concat(","); } } fileWriter.newLine(); fileWriter.write(line); } statement.close(); fileWriter.close(); ...
We use the\character to escape additional quotes. $ java There are may stars He said: "Which one are you looking at?" Multiline strings Text blocks allow to define multiline strings. To create a multiline string, we use triple quotes. ...
* or escape sequences in the input sequence will be given no special * meaning. * *@params The string to be literalized *@returnA literal string replacement *@since1.5*/publicstaticString quote(String s) {intslashEIndex = s.indexOf("\\E");if(slashEIndex == -1)return"\\Q" + s...
StringEscapeTool类包含一个静态方法escapeDoubleQuotes,它接受一个字符串作为输入,并返回转义后的字符串。 replace方法用于将字符串中的双引号替换为转义后的双引号。 main方法用于演示如何使用escapeDoubleQuotes方法。 测试代码 在编写完代码后,我们需要对其进行测试以确保其正确性。你可以使用以下测试用例: ...
String doubleQuotes = “\””; System.out.println(doubleQuotes); System.out.println(“===demo3===“); //添加转义字符在字符串当中 demo3 String hi = “你好\n\t棒”; System.out.println(hi); System.out.println(“===demo4===“); //输出一个 \ demo4 String backSlash = “\\”; S...