Stringlower="equals ignore case";StringUPPER="EQUALS IGNORE CASE"; assertThat(lower.equalsIgnoreCase(UPPER)).isTrue(); 3. Using Apache Commons Lang TheApache Commons Langlibrary contains a class calledStringUtilsthat provides a method similar to the method above, but it has the added benefit of ...
String TheStringto compare thisStringagainst Returns Boolean trueif the argument is notnulland it represents an equivalentStringignoring case;falseotherwise Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Compares thisStringto anotherString, ignoring case considerations. Two strings are considered equal ignoring case if ...
1)String repeat(String str,int repeat):重复字符串repeat次后返回; 2)String join(Object[] array,String str):将一个数组中的元素连接成字符串; 3)String leftPad(String str,int size,char padChar):向左边填充指定字符padChar,以达到指定长度size; 4)String rightPad(String str,int size,char padChar)...
Stringstr1="Hello";Stringstr2="World";// 使用equals()方法比较字符串booleanisEqual=str1.equals(str2);System.out.println("Strings are equal: "+isEqual);// 使用equalsIgnoreCase()方法比较字符串booleanisIgnoreCaseEqual=str1.equalsIgnoreCase(str2);System.out.println("Strings are equal (ignore case)...
一、String的创建: 1、创建字符串常量法:对于这种直接通过双引号”“声明字符串的方式, 虚拟机首先会到字符串常量池中查找该字符串是否已经存在.如果存在会直接返回该引用, 如果不存在则会在堆内存中创建该字符串对象, 然后到字符串常量池中注册该字符串。
String name = "tom"; if(name.length() > 2){ System.out.println("T"); }else{ System.out.println("F"); } 4.字符串的比较 语法:字符串1.equals(字符串2); 比较两个字字符串是否相等,返回boolean类型的值true or false String name1 = "tom"; ...
2)public int compareToIgnore(String anotherString)//与compareTo方法相似,但忽略大小写。 3)public boolean equals(Object anotherObject)//比较当前字符串和参数字符串,在两个字符串相等的时候返回true,否则返回false。 4)public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString)//与equals方法相似,但忽略大小写。
Tests if this string ends with the specified suffix. boolean equals(Object anObject) Compares this string to the specified object. boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString) Compares this String to another String, ignoring case considerations. static String format(Locale l, String format, Object...
2) int indexOf( String str ); 查找子串第一次出现的index; 3) int lastIndexOf( String str ); 查找子串最后一次出现的位置 判断 1) 获取字符串的长度 int length(); 2) 判断字符串是否为空 boolean isEmpty(); 3) 判断字符串是否相等 boolean equals( Object anObject ); ...
Tests if this string ends with the specified suffix. booleanequals(Object anObject) Compares this string to the specified object. booleanequalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString) Compares this String to another String, ignoring case considerations. static Stringformat(String format, Object... ar...