String 在运行期有没有限制呢,答案是有的,就是我们前文提到的那个 Integer.MAX_VALUE ,这个值约等于 4G,在运行期,如果 String 的长度超过这个范围,就可能会抛出异常。(在 jdk 1.9 之前) int 是一个 32 位变量类型,取正数部分来算的话,他们最长可以有 2^31-1 =2147483647 个 16-bit Unicodecharacter 21474...
private void checkStringConstant(DiagnosticPosition var1, Object var2) { if (this.nerrs == 0 && var2 != null && var2 instanceof String && ((String)var2).length() >= 65535) { this.log.error(var1, "limit.string", new Object[0]); ++this.nerrs; } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ...
= null && var2 instanceof String && ((String)var2).length() >= 65535) { this.log.error(var1, "limit.string", new Object[0]); ++this.nerrs; } } 代码中可以看出 ,当参数类型为String,并且长度大于等于65535的时候,就会导致编译失败。 这个地方大家可以尝试着debug一下javac的编译过程(视频中...
String在运行期有没有限制呢,答案是有的,就是我们前文提到的那个Integer.MAX_VALUE ,这个值约等于4G,在运行期,如果String的长度超过这个范围,就可能会抛出异常。(在jdk 1.9之前) int 是一个 32 位变量类型,取正数部分来算的话,他们最长可以有 2^31-1 =2147483647 个 16-bit Unicodecharacter2147483647 * 16 ...
* The length is equal to the number of Unicode * code units in the string. * *@returnthe length of the sequence of characters represented by this * object. */ publicintlength{ returnvalue.length; } 所以看到这里,我们又得出了一个结果,**...
public static void main(String[] args) { String s = "a...a"; System.out.println(s.length()); String s1 = "a...a"; System.out.println(s1.length()); } 以上代码,会在 String s1 = "a...a";// 共 65535 个 a 处编译失败: ...
/*** Returns the length of this string.* The length is equal to the number of Unicode* code units in the string.** @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this* object.*/publicintlength(){returnvalue.length;} 所以看到这里,我们又得出了一个结果,**当字符...
/*** Returns the length of this string.* The length is equal to the number ofUnicode* code unitsin the string.** @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this* object.*/public int length() {return value.length;} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9....
* The length is equal to the number of Unicode * code units in the string. * * @return the length of the sequence of characters represented by this * object. */publicintlength(){returnvalue.length;} 所以看到这里,我们又得出了一个结果,**当字符...
public static void main(String[] args) { String s = "a...a";// 共65534个a Sy...