static int staticVariable = 0;:定义一个名为staticVariable的静态变量,其初始值为0。 public static void staticFunction():定义一个静态函数staticFunction。 staticVariable++;:每次调用该静态函数时,静态变量的值将增加1。 System.out.println(...):打印当前静态变量的值。 2. 在主函数中调用静态函数 接下来,...
static 除了可以修饰全局变量,还可以修饰局部变量,被 static 修饰的变量统称为静态变量(Static Variable)。 不管是全局变量还是局部变量,只要被 static 修饰,都会存储在全局数据区(全局变量本来就存储在全局数据区,即使不加 static)。 全局数据区的数据在程序启动时就被初始化,一直到程序运行结束才会被操作系统回收内存;...
1. Class Variable/Static Variable: Class variable is also known as static variable with "static" keyword inside the class but outside the methods. There is only one copy of class variable is no matter how many objects are initiated from this class. Class variable is accessed as: className.c...
publicclassSonextendsFather{//成员变量继承到了 int j = 20; static int z = 30;intj = 88;publicvoiduseVariable(){intj = 99;//如果子类中定义出了与父类同名的成员变量,那么根据变量的就近访问原则, 优先使用子类中成员//就近原则: 局部变量最优先-->其次本类中的成员变量-->父类中的成员...System...
s1.display(); // call the display function using the s1 object s2.display(); // call the display function using the s2 object } } Output: 101 Gagan GGGI 102 Raman GGGI Importance Of Static Variable: With the help of static variable we make our program memory efficient. It means static...
A static variable is common to all the instances (or objects) of the class because it is a class level variable. In other words you can say that only a single copy of static variable is created and shared among all the instances of the class. Memory allo
* Function:变量的学习 **/publicclassVariableDemo{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){doublemoney=100.09;//变量的格式:数据类型 变量名 = 初始值。System.out.println(money);// 通过变量名能访问数据}}---F:\work\java\jdk11\bin\java.exe"-javaagent:F:\work\IDEA-2020\IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.3\lib\...
public static void main(String args[]) { Zhui zui;GraphicObject tuxing;tuxing = new TiXing(2, 3, 4);System.out.println("梯形的面积是" + tuxing.getArea());zui = new Zhui(tuxing, 30);System.out.println("梯形底的锥的体积是" + zui.getVolum());tuxing = new Circle(10...
Recall that the signature for the main method is public static void main(String[] args). Here, the args variable is the parameter to this method. The important thing to remember is that parameters are always classified as "variables" not "fields". This applies to other parameter-accepting ...