Between this period you could enable it in settings: chrome://flags/#enable-npapi But currently it’s not possible anymore, so you cannot just download Java for Chrome and make it running. So as I mentioned nowadays you should use little tricks… But first of all, you need toinstall Java...
基于方式一,删除下面的代码 // 设置 cef chrome实例的目录,关键,若不设置他会默认从网络中下载,国外网络可能下载不稳定导致失败 // 我的 cef chrome 位于项目的chrome目录下 C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\project\java\demo-desktop\chrome // builder.setInstallDir(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") +...
linux中打开chrome浏览器的命令为:"google-chrome"(打开chromium浏览器的命令为:"chromium-browser",chrome浏览器是基于开源的chromium浏览器开发的) 在basn中输入“google-chrome” 执行命令后即可弹出chrome浏览器的窗口,网址为设置的默认的网址 在ban中输入"google-chrome --help"或者"google-chrome -h"即可弹出关于...
icedtea-web /usr/share/icedtea-web/icedtea-web /usr/share/icedtea-web/bin/icedtea-web /usr/share/icedtea-web/bin/itweb-settings icedtea-web /usr/share/icedtea-web/bin/javaws icedtea-web /usr/share/icedtea-web/bin/policyeditor icedtea-web /usr/share/icedtea-web/etc/icedtea-web /usr/share/...
Google Chrome Microsoft Edge在 Web 浏览器中打开 URL 地址。 在浏览器的地址栏中,选择 “查看网站信息 ”图标(地址旁边的锁符号)。 选择“ 连接是安全的”。 选择“ 显示证书 ”图标。 在“证书查看器 ”对话框中,选择“ 详细信息 ”选项...
ChromeDriver 镜像 2.开始Test 在Eclipse中配置Maven,新建Maven项目,添加依赖 (1)修改Maven的配置文件。下面这两处需要修改 <localRepository>D:\repository</localRepository> <settings xmlns=""xmlns:xsi="
{'profile.default_content_settings.popups': 0, #防止保存弹窗 'download.default_directory':tmp_path,#设置默认下载路径..."profile.default_content_setting_values.automatic_downloads":1#允许多文件下载 } chrome_options.add_experimental_option...,drive.get(download_url) 直接get一个下载链接的url,上面...
Block user settings in a GPO to a group of computers block websites on Internet Explorer 11 using group policy Block windows portable devices(WPD) without using Group Policy or registry c++? Blocking games from users like Solitaire Blocking Google Chrome through GPO Blocking USB through GPO & ex...
Add ability to set multiple settings. #1409 Support to execute Chrome DevTools Protocol commands against Android Chrome browser session. #1375 Add new upload options i.e withHeaders, withFormFields and withFileFieldName. #1342 Add AndroidOptions and iOSOptions. #1331 Add idempotency key to session...
AddedgetSettings()andignoreUnimportantViews()methods 1.6.2 Added MobilePlatform interface (Android, IOS, FirefoxOS) Added MobileBrowserType interface (Safari, Browser, Chromium, Chrome) Added MobileCapabilityType.APP_WAIT_ACTIVITY Fixed small Integer cast issue (in Eclipse it won't compile) ...