importcn.juwatech.serialport.SerialPort;importcn.juwatech.serialport.SerialPortManager;publicclassSerialCommunicationExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){SerialPortManagermanager=newSerialPortManager();SerialPortport=manager.openPort("COM3",9600,8, SerialPortManager.NO_PARITY, SerialPortManager.ONE...
public class SerialCommunicationExample { public static void main(String[] args) { SerialPortManager manager = new SerialPortManager(); SerialPort port = manager.openPort("COM3", 9600, 8, SerialPortManager.NO_PARITY, SerialPortManager.ONE_STOP_BIT); if (port != null) { try { // 发送数...
public SerialBean(int PortID) { PortName = "COM" + PortID; } /** * * This function initialize the serial port for communication. It startss a * thread which consistently monitors the serial port. Any signal capturred * from the serial port is stored into a buffer area. * */ public...
Once all the communication is completed, the serial port must be disconnected. In some instances, some ports stay stuck open, which isn’t exactly a good thing. //disconnect the serial port//pre style="font-size: 11px;": an open serial port//post: closed serial portpublicvoiddisconnect(...
步骤:1.导入Java串口通信库: rxtx,在maven中添加依赖,或者将库文件直接添加到Java项目中。2.在Java中...
SerialExample是本类库所提供的一个例程。它所实现的功能是打开串口COM1,对其进行初始化,从串口读取信息对其进行处理后将处理结果发送到串口。 5. 编译与调试 本类库中使用了Java Communication API (javax.comm)。这是一个Java扩展类库,并不包括在标准的Java SDK当中。如果你尚未安装这个扩展类库的话,你应该从Sun公...
PortName="COM"+PortID; }/** * * This function initialize the serial port for communication. It starts a * thread which consistently monitors the serial port. Any signal captured * from the serial port is stored into a buffer area. ...
in = serialPort.getInputStream(); out = serialPort.getOutputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { return InitFail; } //Initialize the communication parameters to 9600, 8, 1, none. try { serialPort.setSerialPortParams(rate, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_...