首先,我们定义了一个静态方法roundToTwoDecimalPlaces,该方法接受一个double类型的参数number,并返回保留两位小数四舍五入后的结果。 在roundToTwoDecimalPlaces方法中,我们使用了Math.round方法将number乘以100后进行四舍五入,并将结果除以100.0得到保留两位小数四舍五入后的结果。 然后,我们在main方法中定义了一个doubl...
我们可以使用BigDecimal类来保留两位小数。 importjava.math.BigDecimal;publicclassBigDecimalUtils{publicstaticdoubleroundToTwoDecimalPlaces(doublenumber){BigDecimalbd=newBigDecimal(number);BigDecimalrounded=bd.setScale(2,BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);returnrounded.doubleValue();}} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8....
Learn to round off a given floating point number to 2 decimal points in Java. As the best practice, always use the Decimal class with rounding mode set to HALF_EVEN. Learn toround off numeric values (floats and doubles) to 2 decimal places in Java. Note that we can use the given solu...
#How to Round BigDecimal to the nearest whole or integer value This tutorial is about how to round a BigDecimal value to n decimal places in Java. The BigDecimal class provides the setScale and round methods for achieving this. You can also check my previous posts on the BigInteger class in...
// Rounding function - round nValue to nDec decimal places // use a double round to eliminate rounding error or Math.round var nRound = Math.round(nValue / Math.pow(10, -nDec + 1)) * Math.pow(10, -nDec + 1) return Math.round(nValue / Math.pow(10, -nDec)) * Math.pow(10,...
Using Math.round() Using apache commons library Using the format() method In this example, we will see how to use the format() method, to limit the decimal places. The first argument specifies the format."%.2f"denotes 2 decimal places,"%.3f"denotes 3 decimal places, and so on. Hence...
使用Math.round () 方法,它可以对数值进行四舍五入,返回一个整数。如果要保留一位小数,我们可以先把数值乘以 10,然后再除以 10.0。例如: doublenum=3.14159;doubleresult=Math.round (num *10) /10.0;// result = 3.1 复制 使用BigDecimal 类,它可以对任意精度的数值进行精确的运算。我们可以使用 setScale (...
String even2 = toStr(even);//数值和精度不可以为空 if (StringUtil.isEmpty(value2) || StringUtil.isEmpty(places2) || StringUtil.isEmpty(even2)) return value2;try { BigDecimal num = new BigDecimal(value2);Integer decimalPlaces = 0;//默认是四舍六⼊ Integer evenRound = (even2.index...
scale 1f Every coordinate will be multiplied with this, to scale the SVG. roundcoords 1f rounding coordinates to a given decimal place. 1f means rounded to 1 decimal place like 7.3 ; 3f means rounded to 3 places, like 7.356 viewbox 0f Enable or disable SVG viewBox. 1f is on, 0f is...
* @param places:精度(1、0.5、10、0.1、0.01...) * @param even:修约(四舍五入、四舍六入) * @return {BigDecimal} */publicstaticStringevenRound(Object value,Object places,Object even){if(places==null||even==null){String value2=toStr(value);returnvalue2;}String value2=toStr(value);String...