publicclassRoundDecimal{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){intdecimalPlaces=2;// 确定保留的小数位数doublefactor=Math.pow(10,decimalPlaces);// 计算10的幂doublevalue=12.34567;// 需要处理的数字longroundedValue=Math.round(value*factor);// 四舍五入后的值doublefinalValue=roundedValue/factor;// 恢复小数...
publicclassRoundExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){doublenumber=123.456789;System.out.println("原始数值: "+number);System.out.println("四舍五入到小数点后保留2位: "+roundToNDecimalPlaces(number,2));System.out.println("四舍五入到小数点后保留4位: "+roundToNDecimalPlaces(number,4));}pub...
This tutorial is about how to round aBigDecimalvalue to n decimal places in Java. TheBigDecimalclass provides thesetScaleandroundmethods for achieving this. You can also check my previous posts on theBigIntegerclass in Java. BigInteger Class tutorials ...
Learn toround off numeric values (floats and doubles) to 2 decimal places in Java. Note that we can use the given solutions to round off to any number of places according to requirements. Quick Reference doublenumber=4.56789; // 1. Using Math.round()doublerounded=Math.round(number*100.0)/...
Two Decimal Places in Java java #twodecimal #twodecimalplaces #coding #programming #freetutorials #javaprograms Duration: 3:02 Math round Java issue 2.495 to 2 digits = 2.49 Question: First off this is the code I use : public static float roundAt(float value , int digits) { ...
I'm trying to round a double to the nearest two decimal places however, it is just rounding to the nearest full number. For example, 19634.0 instead of 19634.95. This is the current code I use for the rounding double area = Math.round(Math.PI*Radius()*Radius()*100)/100; I can'...
ROUND (number [,decimals ]) //四舍五入,decimals为小数位数] 注:返回类型并非均为整数,如: (1)默认变为整形值 select round(1.23); //打印输出1 select round(1.56); //打印输出2 (2)可以设定小数位数,返回浮点型数据 select round(1.567,2); //打印输出1.57 ...
1. 使用 Math.round()Java中最基本的四舍五入方式是使用Math.round()方法。这个方法接受一个double或...
//数值和精度 不可以为空if(StringUtil.isEmpty(value2)||StringUtil.isEmpty(places2)||StringUtil.isEmpty(even2))returnvalue2;try{BigDecimal num=newBigDecimal(value2);Integer decimalPlaces=0;//默认是 四舍六入Integer evenRound=(even2.indexOf("五")>-1||even2.indexOf("5")>-1||even2....
setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).doubleValue(); } } import java.text.*; public class Numbers { public static double TwoDecimalPlaces(double number) { return Double.parseDouble(String.format("%.2f", number)); } } 后记 原来不需要使用double来强制转换,因为Math.round()返回值是double类型...