To solve the issue, the main Java method should be void, but it cannot return a value as it is a Void method. However, you can use a return statement to halt the execution of the method and go back to the calling method. In my attempt to fix the problem, I changed the method to...
Any method declaredvoiddoesn't return a value. It does not need to contain areturnstatement, but it may do so. In such a case, areturnstatement can be used to branch out of a control flow block and exit the method and is simply used like this: return; If you try to return a valu... missing return value return; ^ missing return value return; ^ 3 errors 通常,这个错误的出现是因为有某个返回语句没有返回任何东西。 14、 “Cannot Return a Value From Method Whose Result Type Is Void” 当一个void方法尝试返回任何值时,会发生此Java错误,...
objectName.methodName(arg1, arg2, arg3); 例如,假设有一个方法 f(),不带任何参数,返回类型是 int。 如果有个名为 a 的对象,可以 通过它调用 f(),那么你就可以这样写: int x = a.f(); 返回值的类型必须要与 x 的类型兼容。 稍后您将会学到static方法,它是针对类调用的,并不依赖于对象的...
Object initial = method.invoke(hsthis, cmm.filename); if(Boolean.FALSE.equals(initial)) The first casts to the wrapper type, then uses the booleanValue() method to get its matching primitive value. Note that sinceJava5.0, because of auto-boxing, you don't even need to call booleanValue...
7.1. Invoking a Method Handle When using the invoke() method, we enforce the number of the arguments (arity) to be fixed (我们强制了固定参数的数量)but we allow the performing of casting and boxing/unboxing of the arguments and return types(但是我们允许对参数和返回类型进行强制转换和装箱/拆箱...
().getRefFromTop(resolvedMethod.argSlotCount() - 1); 54 55 if (null == ref) { 56 57 if ("println".equals( { 58 59 \_println(frame.operandStack(), methodRef.descriptor()); 60 61 return; 62 63 } 64 65 throw new NullPointerException(); 66 67 } 68 69 70 ...
public Java.Lang.Class ReturnType { [Android.Runtime.Register("getReturnType", "()Ljava/lang/Class;", "")] get; } Property Value Class the return type for the method this object represents Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Returns aClassobject that represents the formal return type of the...
Adapts a target method handle by post-processing its return value (if any) with a filter (another method handle).
public class Sample { public String name ; public static int value ; public String testMethod(int arg1,int arg2){ System.out.println(arg1+","+arg2); return arg1+","+arg2; } private String privateMethod(int arg1,int arg2){ System.out.println(arg1+","+arg2); return arg1+","+arg...