public static void main(String args[]) { String fileName = "c://lines.txt"; List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName))) { //1. filter line 3 //2. convert all content to upper case //3. convert it into a List list...
public static void readFileByBytes(String fileName) { File file = new File(fileName); InputStream in = null; try { System.out.println("以字节为单位读取文件内容,一次读多个字节:"); // 一次读多个字节 byte[] tempbytes = new byte[100]; int byteread = 0; in = new FileInputStream(fil...
readLine()是读取流读数据的时候用的,同时会以字符串形式返回这一行的数据,当读取完所有的数据时会返回null。代码示例:public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //获取读取流 3 FileReader reader = new FileReader("C:\\Users\\杨华彬\\Desktop\\test.txt");BufferedReader br...
If we want to process the lines as they are read, we can use aLineProcessor. For example, in the below code, we are capitalizing the lines as they are read. // With LineProcessorLineProcessor<List<String>>lineProcessor=newLineProcessor<>(){finalList<String>result=newArrayList<>();@Overrid...
java 流readline java 流readline() 输出的是什么类型,字符流:操作的是文本数据区别是他缓存到字符数组char[]FileReaderFileWriterfileReader的read()方法;他的返回值是int类型bufferedReader有一个readerLine()返回类型是String BufferedWtiter newLine()
public class ReadWriteLockDemo {public static void main(String[] args) {MyCacheLock myCache = new MyCacheLock();// 写入for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {final int temp = i;new Thread(()->{myCache.put(temp+"",temp+"");},String.valueOf(i)).start();}// 读取for (int i...
BufferedWriter write string line by line Hello I am building a program that writes an output to a text file. In my program my String looks like this: MyName Addres Location Paycheck But when I write it to a text file it looks like this:...
void testReadFile1() throws IOException { //文件内容:Hello World|Hello Zimug String fileName = "D:\\data\\test\\newFile4.txt";try (Scanner sc = new Scanner(new FileReader(fileName))) { while (sc.hasNextLine()) { //按行读取字符串 String line = sc.nextLine();System.out.println...
BufferedReader的readLine()方法是阻塞式的, 如果到达流末尾, 就返回null, 但如果client的socket末经关闭就销毁, 则会产生IO异常. 正常的方法就是使用socket.close()关闭不需要的socket. 虽然写IO方面的程序不多,但BufferedReader/BufferedInputStream倒是用过好几次的,原因是: ...;;;publicclassFileReadExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){try(BufferedReaderbr=newBufferedReader(newFileReader("example.txt"))) { String line;while((line = br.readLine()) !=null) { ...