Caused by: com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolInitializationException: Exception during pool initialization at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.initializeConnections( ~[?:?] at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.( ~[?:?] at com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariData...
Prelims: This is the first exam, and the paper has objective type questions. It is a very tough examination as its questions are neither repeated nor copied from any reference books. Besides this, the probability of each question has an equal probability of 1/4 of getting correct. Mains: ...
5、such as the directory separator, depe nd on the curre nt un derly ing operati ng systemQuestion 4)What will happe n whe n you attempt to compile and runthe followi ng codeclass Basepublic void Base()public class In exte nds Basepublic static void main( Stri ng argv)In i=new In...
Which blends in with the last issue here: Communication & Maintenance. Which obviously dependsheavilyon company size, with the general rule: The bigger, the more problematic. Who is working on microservice number 47? Did they just deploy a new, incompatible microservice version? Where was this ...
Coding Question Practice Why is this here? I'm not ready to interview. Then go back and read this. Why you need to practice doing programming problems: Problem recognition, and where the right data structures and algorithms fit in Gathering requirements for the problem ...
@Test public void test_QuestionBankController() { QuestionBankController questionBankController = new QuestionBankController(); System.out.println(questionBankController.createPaper("花花", "1000001921032")); System.out.println(questionBankController.createPaper("豆豆", "1000001921051")); System.out.prin...
<Paper> paperList; private String mainPage; private String questionId; private Question question; private String title; private String page; private int total; private String pageCode; private Question s_question; public List<Paper> getPaperList() { return paperList; } public void setPaperList(...
public Integer getPaperNumber() { return paperNumber; } public void setQuestionNumber(Integer questionNumber) { this.questionNumber = questionNumber; } public Integer getQuestionNumber() { return questionNumber; } public void setShowTeachers(String showTeachers) ...
Early in the morning, the editor-in-chief came to work and saw the paper. He took it for the latest news that something important had happened last night and published it immediately. Only later did he find out it was just about what Mr. Samson had seen in his dream. But it was ...
exampaper_delete 逻辑删除(0代表未删除 1代表已删除) int(255) 是 create_time 创建时间 timestamp 否 表4.2 试题表 字段注释类型空 id (主键) 主键 int(20) 否 exampaper_id 所属试卷id(外键) int(20) 否 examquestion_name 试题名称 varchar(200) 否 examquestion_options 选项,json字符串 longtext ...