Now for the question: Is Java a completely object-oriented programming language? We can say that - Java is not a pure object-oriented programming language, because it has direct access to primitive data types. And these primitive data types don't directly belong to the Integer classes. 5. ...
Are you ready for your interview? Take a quick Quiz to check it out Take a Quiz 5. How does the JVM work?Java Virtual Machine is a Java Runtime Environment(JRE) component. It loads, executes, and verifies the bytecode. Although it is platform-dependent, it helps make Java code ...
This is a trick question, there is no problem with the code and it will compile successfully. We can always catch an Exception or any unchecked exception even if it’s not in the throws clause of the method. Similarly, if a method (foo) declares an unchecked exception in the throws ...
This is a very common question if you are appearing for an interview for a junior-level programmer. Well, the most noticeable differences are as below: Variables declared in a Java interface is by defaultfinal. An abstract class may contain non-final variables. Java interfaces are implicitlyabst...
This is one of the tough Java interview question and its open for all, my friend didn't know the answer so he didn't mind telling me. my take is that stored procedure should return error code if some operation fails but if stored procedure itself fail than catching SQLException is only ...
The code that is responsible for doing something about the exception is called an “exception handler” and it “catches” the thrown exception. Every Exception will be thrown at runtime. Question 2: How can you handle exception in java? Answer: try-catch-finally blocks are used to handle ...
You will get varying answers to this question depending on whom you ask. Major advantages of OOP are: 1. Simplicity: software objects model real world objects, so the complexity is reduced and the program structure is very clear; 2. Modularity: each object forms a separate entity...
The class should follow the rules associated with equals() and hashCode() for all instances. Please refer earlier question for these rules. If a class field is not used in equals(), you should not use it in hashCode() method. Best practice for user defined key class is to make it immu...
Abstract classes and interfaces are used in java for defining the contract. But, what is the difference between them? When should we use interface over the abstract class and vice versa? It’s a great design question and asked a lot in java interviews. This post provides all the differences...
If a question happens to strike at one of your minor gaps in knowledge, theinterviewerwon’t recognize that you possess the overall fundamental programming skills that matter; they’ll just see that you failed to answer the question correctly. ...