JAttack executes the given template to generate concrete Java programs. For example, one generated program from the templateT.javacan beTGen1.java. importjattack.annotation.Entry;importstaticjattack.Boom.*;importorg.csutil.checksum.WrappedChecksum;publicclassTGen1{staticints1;staticints2;publicstaticint...
solutions for class 10 science chapter 1 ncert solutions for class 10 science chapter 2 ncert solutions for class 10 science chapter 3 ncert solutions for class 10 science chapter 4 ncert solutions for class 10 science chapter 5 ncert solutions for class 10 science chapter 6 ncert solutions for...
A customization of these techniques is needed to embed a set of “change type” rules that are relevant for security weaknesses (e.g., replace mutableMapOf with ConcurrentHashMap if the class extends Thread). Another common weakness related to the improper control of resources is CWE-668: Exp...
The modular analysis of control flow of incomplete Java bytecode programs is challenging, mainly because of the complex semantics of the language, and the unknown inter-dependencies between the available and unavailable components. In this paper we describe a technique for incremental, modular extractio...
Systematic state-space exploration is a powerful technique for verification of concurrent software systems. Most work in this area deals with manually-constructed models of those systems. We propose a framework for applying state-space exploration to mul
Key components include the editor, which provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for writing sketches, the compiler that translates user code into executable programs, and the libraries supporting graphics, input handling, and other multimedia functionalities. Overall, PDE fosters a versatile platform...
Huitt Maintenance support for Object-Oriented programs IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng., 18 (12) (1992), pp. 1038-1044 Google Scholar [42] G. Xu, A. Rountev Regression test selection for AspectJ software ICSE ’07: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE ...
for storing transaction records of agents with applications in digital identity. International recognition of our expertise is reflected by numerous leadership roles, e.g., as general or program chairs in numerous flagship conferences, such as AAAI, EuroGraphics, ACM/IEEE ICSE, ACM OOPSLA, ACM Rec...
SuperComputing:The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications 高性能计算机方向公认的高水平会议之一,第一届会议是1988年,每年11月举行,4、5月份投稿。会议内容包括technical and education programs,workshops,tutorials以及展览的一系列活动供与会者参加。SuperComputing“is the one place ...
This paper describes three program transformations that extend the scope of model checkers for Java programs to include distributed programs, i.e., multi-process programs. The transformations combine multiple processes into a single process, replace remote method invocations (RMIs) with local method inv...