左对齐(Left Justify)是指将字符串或数字向左对齐输出,占位符的宽度不足时在右侧填充空格。可以使用"-"符号来指定左对齐。例如,"%-10s"表示将字符串左对齐输出,占位符宽度为10个字符。 右对齐(Right Justify)是指将字符串或数字向右对齐输出,占位符的宽度不足时在左侧填充空格。不需要显式指定右对齐,因为默认情...
// Left justify text String.format("|%-20s|", greeting); // |Hi Rob | System.out.println(greeting); // Maximum number of characters String.format("|%.3s|", greeting); // |Hi | System.out.println(greeting); // Max. characters with width String.format("|%20.3s|", greeting); /...
String.format("|%30s|", "Hello World"); // prints: | Hello World| Left Justify Text String.format("|%-30s|", "Hello World"); // prints: |Hello World | Specify Maximum Number of Characters String.format("|%.5s|", "Hello World"); // prints: |Hello| Field Width and Maximum Nu...
String.format("|%30s|", "Hello World"); // prints: | Hello World| Left Justify Text String.format("|%-30s|", "Hello World"); // prints: |Hello World | Specify Maximum Number of Characters String.format("|%.5s|", "Hello World"); // prints: |Hello| Field Width and Maximum Nu...
Left Justify Text 1 String.format("|%-30s|", "Hello World"); // prints: |Hello World | Specify Maximum Number of Characters 1 String.format("|%.5s|", "Hello World"); // prints: |Hello| Field Width and Maximum Number of Characters 1 String.format("|%30.5s|", "Hello World"...
String.format("|%30s|","Hello World");// prints: | Hello World|Left Justify Text String.format("|%-30s|","Hello World");// prints: |Hello World |Specify Maximum NumberofCharacters String.format("|%.5s|","Hello World");// prints: |Hello|Field Width and Maximum NumberofCharacters ...
left: 10vw; /* 设置动画延迟时间 */ animation-delay: 2s; } .square li:nth-child(3){ top: 80vh; left: 85vw; /* 设置动画延迟时间 */ animation-delay: 4s; } .square li:nth-child(4){ top: 10vh; left: 70vw; /* 设置动画延迟时间 */ animation-delay: 6s; } .square li:nth-chi...
! %-any_letter_above - Left-justify in min. width (default is right-justify) ! ! %20any_letter_above - 20 char. min. width (pad with spaces if reqd.) ! ! %.30any_letter_above - 30 char. max. width (truncate beginning if reqd.) ! ! %-10.10r - Example. Left-justify time ...
createCell(workBook, row, 4, HorizontalAlignment.JUSTIFY, VerticalAlignment.JUSTIFY); createCell(workBook, row, 5, HorizontalAlignment.LEFT, VerticalAlignment.TOP); createCell(workBook, row, 6, HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT, VerticalAlignment.TOP);
/*sprintfexample */#include <stdio.h>intmain () { char buffer [50];intn, a=5, b=3; n=sprintf(buffer,"%d plus %d is %d", a, b, a+b);printf("[%s] is a %d char long string\n",buffer,n);return0; } Output: [5 plus 3 is 8] is a 13 char long string...