public class ExponentialDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { double x = 9; double y = 2; System.out.printf("The value of " + "e is %.4f%n", Math.E); System.out.printf("exp(%.3f) " + "is %.3f%n", x, Math.exp(x)); System.out.printf("log(%.3f) is " ...
The problem isn't with Math.round(); it's with doing arithmetic on the result that is returned from this method! The problem here stems from how most modern computers store floating point numbers (double is a floating-point number).This threadgives a basic explanation of the issues involved...
package ch11.format3; import java.util.Formatter; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String name = "apple"; double price = 12.5; int num = 15; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb); formatter.format("name %s, num %d...
2. Using printf Command 3. Using awk Command 4. Using bc 5. Using Python 6. Conclusion 1. Overview In Bash scripting, dealing with numbers and specifically rounding them to a certain number of decimal places is a common task. For example, given a number like 3.14159, the goal is to ro...
public classJavaDoublePrecision {/* Print Java double to 2 decimals of precision. */public static voidmain(String[] args) {doublebig= 1234.12345;floatsmall= 1234.12345f;System.out.printf("%,.2f :: %,.3f",big,small);/* Example prints:1,234.12 :: 1234.123*/}} ...
System.err.printf("Unable to open file '%1$s': %2$s", fileName, exception.getMessage()); // -> "Unable to open file 'food': No such file or directory" </blockquote> Like C's sprintf(3), Strings may be formatted using the static method String#format(String,Object...) ...
System.out.printf("%s%n",; 使用getDisplayName(TextStyle, Locale)方法,您可以检索一个字符串来标识用户所在地区的星期几。TextStyle枚举允许您指定要显示的字符串类型:FULL、NARROW(通常是一个字母)或SHORT(缩写)。STANDALONE的TextStyle常量在某些语言中使用,当作为日期的一部分时输出...
Printf 在Java中的用法介绍 How printf() works? Stringaccount="Prime";doubletotal=210.35;intyears=5; System.out.printf("The %s account saved you $%f over %d years\n", account, total, years); printf() and format() methods A programmer can adjust the way that a program's output appears,...
publicclassJavaExample{publicvoidcalculate(intp,intt,doubler,intn){doubleamount=p * Math.pow(1+ (r / n), n * t);doublecinterest=amount - p; System.out.println("Compound Interest after "+ t +" years: "+cinterest); System.out.println("Amount after "+ t +" years: "+amount); ...
Use%fto format float and double values with decimal points. Formatting floating number types System.out.printf("The float value is %f %n",10.0f);//Prints 'The float value is 10.000000' Use%.Pfpattern for adding floating-point precision in the formatted string. ...