使用System.out.println()方法打印当前工作目录。 System.out.println("当前工作目录:"+currentWorkingDirectory); 1. 完整的示例代码如下所示: importjava.lang.System;publicclassPrintCurrentWorkingDirectory{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){StringcurrentWorkingDirectory=System.getProperty("user.dir");System.out....
1.1 pwd命令 该命令的英文解释为print working directory(打印工作目录)。输入pwd命令,Linux会输出当前目录。 1.2 cd命令 cd命令用来改变所在目录。 cd / 转到根目录中 cd ~ 转到/home/user用户目录下 cd /usr 转到根目录下的usr目录中---绝对路径 cd test 转到当前目录下的test子目录中---相对路径 1.3 ls命...
FTPFile[] files=ftpClient.listFiles(path);for(inti = 0; i < files.length; i++) {if(files[i].isDirectory()) {if(!files[i].getName().equals(".")&& !files[i].getName().equals("..")) { String tempDir=ftpClient.printWorkingDirectory()+ "/" +files[i].getName(); ftpClient....
当然,你可以用 pwd (输出当前目录,print working directory) 能不能叫 shell 自动告诉你当前目录呢? 当然可以。这里我将提到的设定,包括提示符,大都包含在文件'/etc/bashrc'中。您可以通过编辑各自 home 目录下的'.bash_profile'和'.bashrc'来改变设置。 在man bash 中的'PROMPTING'部分,对这些参数(parameter)...
pwd (Print Working Directory) 语法: bash pwd[-P] 选项: -P:打印当前工作目录的物理位置。 测试: bash # bin为链接root@conner-virtual-machine:/bin# pwd/bin root@conner-virtual-machine:/bin# pwd -P/usr/bin mkdir(创建新目录) 语法:
System.out.print(s); } inputStream.close(); inputStreamReader.close(); //阻塞当前线程,直到进程退出为止 process.waitFor(); int exitValue = process.exitValue(); if (exitValue == 0) { System.out.println("进程正常结束"); } else {
The argument files can have paths, but any file names inside the files are relative to the current working directory (notpath1orpath2): javac @path1/options @path2/classes Examples of Using -Xlint keys cast Warns about unnecessary and redundant casts, for example: ...
Print the date: date Show calendar: cal Print working directory: pwd Print files and directory of the current directory: ls Manual help: man whoami Create a new directory: mkdir directoryname Create a new empty file: touch filename Remove a directory: rmdir directoryname Remove a file: rm ...
ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory("/home/mysql/ruku"); String remoteFileName = ""+toFile; InputStream input = new FileInputStream(file); ftpClient.storeFile(remoteFileName, input);//文件你若是不指定就会上传到root目录下 System.out.println("---文件复制完成---"); ...
Sets the maximum number of warnings to print. -Xpkginfo:[always,legacy,nonempty] Specifies when and how thejavaccommand generatespackage-info.classfiles frompackage-info.javafiles using one of the following options: always Generates apackage-info.classfile for everypackage-info.javafile. This opti...