fasterthanlime/jooc-legacy - 🐊 The historical, initial implementation of an ooc compiler in Java edmund-wagner/junrar - plain java unrar util (former sf project) bigmlcom/histogram - Streaming Histograms for Clojure/Java ActiveJpa/activejpa - A simple active record pattern library in java tha...
Roundup ‘13 - Working the Compiler Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at Please join us for the 2014 Java Posse Roundup, from Feb 24th to 28th in Crested Butte, CO. The subject this year is Software Engineering Trends. More details and registration at http...
Roundup ‘13 - Working the Compiler Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at Please join us for the 2014 Java Posse Roundup, from Feb 24th to 28th in Crested Butte, CO. The subject this year is Software Engineering Trends. More details and registration at http...
And JavaFX now sports a bytecode compiler first_steps_with_the_javafx Netbeans 6 Milestone 10 (or consider the nightly builds) releases/60/index.html Lotus Exige...
@goal <name>:唯一必须声明的标注,当用户命令行调用或在pom中配置插件是,需使用该目标名称,如果你在运行compiler:compile目标,compiler就是插件的goalPrefix,compile就是目标的名称 @phase <phase>:默认将该目标绑定至default声明周期的某个阶段,这样在配置使用插件目标时,就无需声明phase,如maven-surefire-plugin的tes...
在构建微服务的过程中,不管是使用什么框架、组件来构建,都绕不开一个问题,跨服务的业务操作如何保持数据一致性。 2. 什么是分布式事务? 首先,设想一个传统的单体应用,无论多少内部调用,最后终归是在同一个数据库上进行操作来完成一向业务操作,如图: 随着业务量的发展,业务需求和架构发生了巨大的变化,整体架构由原来...
Roundup ‘13 - Working the Compiler Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at Please join us for the 2014 Java Posse Roundup, from Feb 24th to 28th in Crested Butte, CO. The subject this year is Software Engineering Trends. More details and registration at http...
okhttp 是由 square 公司开源的一个 http 客户端。在 Java 平台上,Java 标准库提供了 HttpURLConnection 类来支持 HTTP 通讯。不过 HttpURLConnection 本身的 API 不够友好,所提供的功能也有限。大部分 Java 程序都选择使用 Apache 的开源项目 HttpClient 作为 HTTP 客户端。Apache HttpClient 库的功能强大,使用率...
Sun has posted the public review draft of JSR-199, the Java Compiler API The apache project has released version 1.1 of Geronimo Thanks - - for hosting and...