SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel(Path path, OpenOption…how) : 获取与指定文件的连接,how 指定打开方式。 DirectoryStream newDirectoryStream(Path path) : 打开 path 指定的目录 InputStream newInputStream(Path path, OpenOption…how):获取 InputStream 对象 OutputStream newOutputStream(Path path, OpenOption…...
Path file4=file2.relativize(file3); System.out.format("file4:%s \n",file4); // 获取名字数量 输出都为:2 System.out.format("file3 namecount:%d \n",file3.getNameCount()); System.out.format("file4 namecount:%d \n",file4.getNameCount()); // 输出新建文件夹 System.out.format("...
System.out.println("fileName : "+ path1.getFileName());// 获取文件名称System.out.println("number of name elements : "+ path1.getNameCount());// 获取名称元素的数量System.out.println("parent path : "+ path1.getParent()); System.out.println("root of path : "+ path1.getRoot());...
java.nio.file.FileSystem.getPath注释 Converts a path string, or a sequence of strings that when joined form a path string, to a Path. If more does not specify any elements then the value of the first parameter is the path string to convert. If more specifies one or more elements then...
importjava.nio.file.Paths;; publicclassPathsExample{ publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){ // 使用多个字符串片段创建路径 Pathpath1=Paths.get("C:","Users","Public","Documents"); System.out.println("路径1: "+ path1); ...
the path string or initial part of the path string more String[] additional strings to be joined to form the path string Returns IPath the resultingPath Remarks Java documentation forjava.nio.file.FileSystem.getPath(java.lang.String, java.lang.String). ...
FileSystemProvider.GetPath(URI) 方法參考 意見反應 定義命名空間: Java.Nio.FileNio.Spi 組件: Mono.Android.dll Path藉由轉換指定的 URI 來傳回 物件。 C# 複製 [Android.Runtime.Register("getPath", "(Ljava/net/URI;)Ljava/nio/file/Path;", "GetGetPath_Ljava_net_URI_Handler", ApiSince=26)...
1 创建一个Path创建Path实例可以通过 Paths工具类 的 get()方法: //使用绝对路径 Path path= Paths.get("c:\\data\\myfile.txt"); //使用相对路径 Path path = Paths.get("/home/jakobjenkov/myfile.txt"); 下面这种创建方式和上面等效: Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("c:\\data\...
Java.Nio.FileNio 組件: Mono.Android.dll 多載 展開表格 Get(URI) 將指定的 URI 轉換為Path物件。 Get(String, String[]) 將路徑字串或聯結成路徑字串Path的字串序列,轉換為 。 Get(URI) 將指定的 URI 轉換為Path物件。 C# [Android.Runtime.Register("get","(Ljava/net/URI;)Ljava/nio/file/Path;...
the path string or initial part of the path string more String[] additional strings to be joined to form the path string Returns IPath the resulting Path Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Java documentation for java.nio.file.FileSystem.getPath(java.lang.String, java.lang.String). Portions...