JNA Platform: This artifact holds cross-platform mappings and mappings for a number of commonly used platform functions, including a large number of Win32 mappings as well as a set of utility classes that simplify native access. The code is tested and the utility interfaces ensure that native m...
Removed dependency on JNA_LIB and contrib paths. 11年前 .gitignore Fix Java 1.6 compatibility and introduce animal-sniffer to prevent regressions 6年前 .project fix file permissions 12年前 .travis.yml Update ant version 7年前 AL2.0 Fix Apache License naming as requested by issue #673. ...
http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/jnative/JNative.jar 把JNativeCpp.dll放在c:\windows\system32目录下;把要调用的dll文件也放在c:\windows\system32目录下。 2、编码调用dll 1.3 JNA GitHub:https://github.com/java-native-access/jna 5.5版本文档:...
leveldb-jna: Cross-platform JNA based adapter forLevelDB. bolt-jna: Cross-platform JNA based adapter forBolt. It is to show how to use JNA for binding to Go library. JVM OpenVR Bindings. Apache Ignite: Direct IO plugin Domino JNA: Cross-platform access to HCL Notes/Domino C API methods...
JNA(java native Access) 在JavaFX开发中,在对应的Java桌面系统范围内,监听绑定事件和web项目类似,绑定dom即可。 但需要在Java桌面系统范围外,全局监听window某些按键,唤醒Java桌面应用或是一些其他的操作,就需要监听调用window系统本身的事件或是底层的东西,这里就需要用到JNA,JNA是一个封装好的Java调动window/Linux等...
leveldb-jna: Cross-platform JNA based adapter for LevelDB. bolt-jna: Cross-platform JNA based adapter for Bolt. It is to show how to use JNA for binding to Go library. JVM OpenVR Bindings. Apache Ignite: Direct IO plugin Domino JNA: Cross-platform access to HCL Notes/Domino C API met...
pom-jna-jpms.xml pom-jna-platform-jpms.xml pom-jna-platform.xml pom-jna.xml simplejna.iml w32ce-test.lnk README License Java Native Access (JNA) The definitive JNA reference (including an overview and usage details) is in theJavaDoc. Please read theoverview. Questions, comments, or explora...
5个月前 test/com/sun/jna Add Native#getNativeLibrary to get access to library wrapped by Native… 8个月前 www Prepare next development iteration 2个月前 .classpath Enable building JNA on JDKs newer than 11 6年前 .gitattributes Remove the need for dos2unix ...
Java Native Access 项目在Java.net上,你可以到这个网站上现在这个项目的代码和在线帮助文档。虽然在下载有5个相关的jar文件,在本文中你仅仅需要下载其中的jna.jar和example.jar。 Jna.jar 提供基本的、运行这些示例文件必需的jna运行环境。这个jna.jar文件除了有Unix、Linux、Windows和Mac OS X平台相关的JNT-friendly...
JNA 4.5.0 Subscriber exclusive content A Red Hat subscription provides unlimited access to our knowledgebase, tools, and much more. Current Customers and Partners Log in for full access Log In New to Red Hat? Learn more about Red Hat subscriptions ...