Show Seeds Change the Java Version (above) to show seeds that work with a specific version such as: 1.21, 1.20, 1.19, 1.17, 1.16, 1.15 or 1.14.Dolphin Seeds for Minecraft Java Edition 1.21Java Edition 1.21 Dolphin Seed #1 This Minecraft seed spawns you on a Plains island with lots of...
/island teamchat - 使团队能够在不打扰他人的情况下相互聊天,必须在config.yml中设置,聊天内容可以被后台查看 /island leave -离开团队并传送到主城 /island kick或者remove - 移除团队成员,如果玩家在线,他们的所有物品都将消失,并且将被会被传送到主城.如果他们处于离线状态,他们会在登录时收到他们被移除的信息 ...
The generation of Deserts in Minecraft varies greatly—from producing large arid wonders to small oases and even to fully inhabited Desert countries. In our best Minecraft Desert seeds list, we provide some of the perfect Desert seeds you can find....
This seed spawns you on a small island in the middle of the ocean. Fortunately, there are cold ruins nearby that you can loot for resources. But, the focus of this Minecraft mansion seed isn’t that. If you travel a few hundred blocks away from the spawn, you willfind a mansion next...
Use one of these Minecraft seeds to create a world where you spawn in a biome where you can find the Breeze. Here are some Breeze seeds for Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac):
使用存档应用程序(如Winzip、WinRAR或7-Zip)来解压缩zip文件中的文件夹。将整个文件夹解压缩到Minecraft save文件夹。Minecraft save文件夹位于下列位置,具体取决于系统和《我的世界》版本(“”文件夹是Windows、MacOS或Linux用户的实际名称)。[1]Windows 10 Java版:C:\ Users\ \ AppData \ ...
While Minecraft 1.18 has brought quite a few of these seeds with circular mountain ranges, this one might be the best. It is massive and has an awesome lake with some forest at the center. You can also check out some nearby caves. If you want to venture out of the mountain range, you...
MCC Island Server IP Game modes:Minigames, Parkour MCC, orMinecraft Championship, is a well-known event in the Minecraft community, bringing YouTubers together to compete in a series of PvP and parkour minigames. Created by NoxCrew – the iconic makers of some of...
Download Minecraft Java Edition 1.16 today! One does not simply walk into the Nether, but it seems that's what everyone is about to do anyway... Today we're releasing the full Nether Update in all its glory! Traverse through familiar, fiery wastes into new unexplored fungal forests, spooky...
Island, Island, Islands, Islands, Isle, Isle, Junction, Junctions, Key, Keys, Knoll, Knolls, Lake, Lakes, Land, Landing, Lane, Light, Lights, Loaf, Lock, Locks, Locks, Lodge, Lodge, Loop, Mall, Manor, Manors, Meadow, Meadows, Mews, Mill, Mills, Mission, Mission, Motorway, Mount, ...