Take, for example, the lovely village in the screenshot above. We’ve been encouraging the villagers to breed, and we’re about to start working on building fortifications around the village. It’s not a huge project yet, but it is a pain to find a good village in a survival world. ...
Updated logos for Mojang Studios and Minecraft 更新了Mojang Studios和Minecraft的Logo Villagers can now spawn iron golems regardless of their profession status or latest working time 现在铁傀儡的生成不再受村民职业和最后工作时间影响了 Walls do not have gaps anymore when stacked vertically 墙竖直摆放时不...
MC-145863- Villagers breed even if there are not enough beds 修复:村民繁殖无视床的限制。 MC-146433- Double Chest does not display custom name 修复: 大型箱子不显示自定义名称。 MC-146835- Illager captain spawned from raids will still give the bad omen effect to its killer, causing raids to ...
Updated logos for Mojang Studios and Minecraft 更新了Mojang Studios和Minecraft的Logo Villagers can now spawn iron golems regardless of their profession status or latest working time 现在铁傀儡的生成不再受村民职业和最后工作时间影响了 Walls do not have gaps anymore when stacked vertically ...
MINECRAFT JAVA EDITION 1.14.3A Minecraft Java Edition ReleaseMinecraft JAVA版 1.14.3Today we're releasing 1.14.3, a release that tweaks some gameplay features and addresses bugs found in 1.14.2. We also plan on releasing a 1.14.4 to address further i
importnet.minecraft.server.management.PlayerProfileCache;//导入依赖的package包/类publicMinecraftServer(File p_i45281_1_, Proxy p_i45281_2_){this.field_152366_X =newPlayerProfileCache(this, field_152367_a); mcServer =this;this.serverProxy = p_i45281_2_;this.anvilFile = p_i45281_1_;this...
MC-144929 - When there is water above a water source, other water sources adjacent to the water source flow outwards 修复: 当水源方块上有水时,与这个水方块邻近的水方块会溢出来。 MC-145863 - Villagers breed even if there are not enough beds ...