It is important to note that void methods can be used with @CacheEvict - as the methods act as triggers, the return values are ignored (as they don't interact with the cache) - this is not the case with @Cacheable which adds/update data into the cache and thus requires a result. ...
Windows: If the option -agentlib:foo is specified, then the JVM attempts to load the library named foo.dll in the location specified by the PATH system variable. The following example shows how to load the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) library and listen for the socket connection on po...
The components of the class paths scanning engine are:ByteCodeHunter,ClassHunterand theClassPathHunter. Now we are going to use the ClassHunter to search for all classes that have package name that matches a regex. So in this example we're looking for all classes whose package name contains ...
对于处理器重排序,JMM 的处理器重排序规则会要求 java 编译器在生成指令序列时,插入特定类型的内存屏障(memory barriers,intel 称之为 memory fence)指令,通过内存屏障指令来禁止特定类型的处理器重排序(不是所有的处理器重排序都要禁止)。 JMM 属于语言级的内存模型,它确保在不同的编译器和不同的处理器平台之上,...
jvm本身在运行过程中分配的内存,codecache,jni里分配的内存,DirectByteBuffer分配的内存等等 狭义的堆外内存 而作为java开发者,我们常说的堆外内存溢出了,其实是狭义的堆外内存,这个主要是指 java.nio.DirectByteBuffer在创建的时候分配内存,我们这篇文章里也主要是讲狭义的堆外内存,因为 ...
Cache tokens in memory (default) or on disk (opt-in). Improve resilience and performance. Reduce the number of requests made to Microsoft Entra ID to obtain access tokens.The Azure Identity library offers both in-memory and persistent disk caching. For more information, see the token caching ...
For example: - Signed by "CN="Signer"" Digest algorithm: SHA-1 (disabled) Signature algorithm: SHA1withRSA (disabled), 2048-bit key WARNING: The jar will be treated as unsigned, because it is signed with a weak algorithm that is now disabled by the security property: jdk.jar.disabledAlg...
Java examples (example source code) Organized by topicJava JDK 7 / Asynchronous Channel 8 AtomicLong 1 BitSet 1 ConcurrentHashMap 1 ConcurrentLinkedDeque 1 CopyOnWriteArrayList 1 Currency 2 Database 5 DatagramChannel 1 Date Time 2 Diamond Operator 4 DirectoryStream 4 Exception Catch 2 ExtendedSSL...
NextExample Service Framework The service API allows you to easily build NATS services. The Service Framework is released as of 2.16.14 The Services Framework introduces a higher-level API for implementing services with NATS. NATS has always been a strong technology on which to build services, as...