In Java, a character array is a type of array that stores values of character data types. To convert a Java string into a character array, you can declare an array of chars in Java or create a new char array using the "new" keyword. Currently, I am working on a project that involve...
MCQ OOPs MCQ Java Code for DES Pig Latin Program in Java Array Rotation in Java Equilibrium Index of an Array in Java Different Ways to Print Exception Message in Java Java Copy Constructor Example Why We Use Static Class in Java What is Core Java Set vs Map in Java How to Create a ...
Java MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) with java tutorial, features, history, variables, object, class, programs, operators, swith, for-loop, if-else, oops concept, inheritance, array, string, map, math, etc.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ's) Based on the "Technologies" used in the Cloud Computing.1) Which one of the following a technology works behind the cloud computing platform?Virtualization SOA Grid Computing All of the aboveShow Answer Workspace 2) Which one of the following is a kind of ...
Java IO MCQ 1. Which of the following classes is used for reading character streams in Java? FileInputStream FileReader BufferedReader InputStreamReader Show AnswerWorkspace 2. What is the purpose of the BufferedWriter class in Java I/O?
final keyword. The final is a keyword in java. Final can be variable, method, class or parameter. Let's see what are there usage.
Electrical MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) with Multiple Choice Questions, Questions and Answers, Java MCQ, C++ MCQ, Python MCQ, C MCQ, GK MCQ, MCQ Preparation, General Science MCQ, etc.
Java socket programming. A socket is an endpoint between two way communication.example of java socket programming.
Android MCQ Android MCQ Android Interview Interview Questions Android Quiz Android Quiz next → ← prev Norton Security and Antivirus for AndroidNorton Mobile Security and Antivirus is a free app for Android that protects your device from malware, viruses, spyware, etc. The app provides yo...
JDBC MCQ RMI Java RMI Internationalization Internationalization ResourceBundle class I18N with Date I18N with Time I18N with Number I18N with Currency Java Array Class Java Array Class get() getBoolean() getByte() getChar() getDouble() getFloat() getInt() getLength() getLong() getShort() newI...