Malwarebytes virus cleaner app for Android or Chromebook is free to download with 30 days free trial of the Premium version. When the app's 30-day trial period ends, it will only clean the detected virus but doesn't prevents from infection. The app is free from ads forever.Malwarebytes app...
Java IO MCQ 1. Which of the following classes is used for reading character streams in Java? FileInputStream FileReader BufferedReader InputStreamReader Show Answer Workspace 2. What is the purpose of the BufferedWriter class in Java I/O?
MCQ's based on the IaaS1) The terms "Iaas" stand for?IT-as-a-Service Infrastructure-as-a-Service Internet-as-a-Service Interoperability-as-a-ServiceShow Answer Workspace 2) The resources like IP addresses and VLANs are provided to the end-users by which of the following?Server ...
Probability MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - 1) An event in the probability that will never be happened is called as - Unsure event Sure event...
Android MCQ Android MCQ Android Interview Interview Questions Android Quiz Android Quiz next → ← prev RoboKiller for AndroidRoboKiller is an app which blocks spam and robocall calls. It helps you to filter and control any unwanted incoming phone calls by automatically blocking and adding ...
C programming language MCQ Exercise 5 Matrix Multiplication in C MCQ Exercise 1 Matrix Multiplication in C MCQ Exercise 2 Matrix Multiplication in C MCQ Exercise 3 Matrix Multiplication in C MCQ Exercise 4 Reverse a String in C Exercise 1 Reverse a String in C Exercise 2 Math Prime Numbers Li...
OOPs MCQ Java Code for DES Pig Latin Program in Java Array Rotation in Java Equilibrium Index of an Array in Java Different Ways to Print Exception Message in Java Java Copy Constructor Example Why We Use Static Class in Java What is Core Java Set vs Map in Java How to Create a New Fo...
MCQ Computer Network MCQ Computer Network MCQ Part2 Interview Questions Networking Questions next → ← prev Data Link LayerIn the OSI model, the data link layer is a 4th layer from the top and 2nd layer from the bottom. The communication channel that connects the adjacent nodes is known as...
Bias in AI:AI can sometimes be a bit unfair, especially when it comes to recognizing people's faces. This can cause problems, especially for people who aren't like the majority. AI and Social Media:What you see on social media is often decided by AI. But sometimes, AI shows things tha...
Android MCQ Android MCQ Android Interview Interview Questions Android Quiz Android Quiz next → ← prev Norton Security and Antivirus for AndroidNorton Mobile Security and Antivirus is a free app for Android that protects your device from malware, viruses, spyware, etc. The app provides yo...