importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.List;publicclassAddAtIndexExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){List<String>list=newArrayList<>();list.add("Apple");list.add("Banana");list.add(1,"Orange");// 在索引1处插入OrangeSystem.out.println(list);// 输出: [Apple, Orange, Banana]}} 1...
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc} */ public void add(int index, E element) { // 检测指定的index索引位置是否符合要求 rangeCheckForAdd(index); // 确认容量并且在必要时候增加容量,这个方法已经详细介绍过,这里就不再赘述 // 如果读者需要理解,可参见《源码阅读(3):Java中主要的List结构...
Simpleadd() methodis used for adding an element at the end of the list however there is another variant of add method which is used for adding an element to the specified index. public void add(int index, Object element) This method adds the element at the given index. Example 1:import...
add public void add(int index,E element)将指定的元素插入此列表中的指定位置。向右移动当前位于该位置的元素(如果有)以及所有后续元素(将其索引加 1)。指定者:接口 List<E> 中的 add 覆盖:类 AbstractList<E> 中的 add 参数:index - 指定元素所插入位置的索引 element - 要插入的元素 ...
2、add(int index ,E e) 向集合的指定索引处添加元素 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 /** * Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this * list. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and ...
今天要说的是Collection族长下的三名大将之一,List,Set,Queue中的List,它们都继承自Collection接口,所以Collection接口的所有操作,它们自然也是有的。 List,Set,Queue,分别是列表,集合,队列的意思,代表着Collection家族下的三种不同的势力,它们各有所长,也各有所短,就像骑兵,步兵和水兵,各有各的优势,并没有谁一定比...
index at which the specified element is to be inserted element Object element to be inserted Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list (optional operation). Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent el...
Take advantage of the high-performance JDK with advanced optimizations that improve Java application performance and microservices deployment—on-premises and in the cloud. Together, the two technologies add value for cloud native deployments with native image and multilanguage support. ...