double- is 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point with default value as 0.0d boolean- represents one bit and default value as false. Memory consumed by boolean is platform dependent. char- is 16 bit Unicode character with minimum value as 0 (\u0000) and maximum value as 65535 (\uffff)...
Java interview questions have been a critical component of tech hiring for decades. In this post, we review the Java questions you need to know.
Read all the Java interview questions and answers in this article to refresh your concepts and possibly have some new ones added to the list.
Know the top Core Java Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced that will help you prepare for your job interviews and crack it with ease. Learn more!
HashMap interview questions and ConcurrentHashMap interview questions. Learn questions like how hashmap works, rehashing in concurrenthashmap and more.
Another useful interview strategy is to review potential Java interview questions in advance. Let’s check out examples of some of the top Java interview questions. Also, each question includes some information that can help refresh your memory. ...
Java Interview Questions/Java面试题 . What is transient variable? Transient variable can't be serialize. For example if a variable is declared as transient in a Serializable class and the class is written to an ObjectStream, the value of the variable can't be written to the stream instead ...
Android interview questions with answers. This repo is suitable for an interviewer, interviewee, and for everyone who wants to improve their knowledge skills about android topics. - javadhme/android-interview-questions
java8 中对 hashmap 扩容不是重新计算所有元素在数组的位置,而是我们使用的是 2 次幂的扩展(指长度扩为原来 2 倍),所以,元素的位置要么是在原位置,要么是在原位置再移动 2 次幂的位置在扩充 HashMap 的时候,不需要像 JDK1.7 的实现那样重新计算 hash, 只需要看看原来的 hash 值新增的那个 bit 是 1 还是...
For example a common answer here is, Java + Spring Boot + Hibernate combo. And then I usually ask why would they choose that. This just made it a whole other question we started from. We can discuss why the candidate thinks Spring Boot is a good project starter. They can talk about ...