在上面的代码中,我们首先定义了一个EnumProvider接口,它包含了一个getEnumValue方法,用来获取枚举值。然后,我们创建了一个DynamicEnumHandler类,它是一个动态代理类,根据传入的参数确定具体的枚举值。最后,我们通过EnumFactory类提供一个createEnum方法,用来创建动态设置的枚举值。 示例 假设我们有一个枚举类型Color,它包...
Java Enum Class: Creating a New Enum Enum in Java is a special data type that allows a variable to be a set of predefined constants. It provides a way to create a group of named constants that are more meaningful and easier to read in the code. Enum can be used to represent a fixed...
1.2. Syntax to Create Enums As we know, generally we deal with four directions in daily life. Their names, angles and other properties are fixed. So, in programs, we can create an enum for them. The syntax to create an enum is as below: enum Direction { EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH;...
and lose type safety completely. If you always want to create e.g. aMap<String, String>, of course atoMap(String... args)would be possible though, but not very pretty as it would be easy to mix up keys and values, and an odd number of arguments would be invalid. You could cr...
In the code snippet below, we can see how to useEnumSetto create a subset of constants: publicclassPizza{privatestaticEnumSet<PizzaStatus> undeliveredPizzaStatuses = EnumSet.of(PizzaStatus.ORDERED, PizzaStatus.READY);privatePizzaStatus status;publicenumPizzaStatus{ ... }publicbooleanisDeliverable(){...
Notice how the names of the constants themselves are printed out. This is one area where Java enums are different thanstatic finalconstants. Enum Fields You can add fields to a Java enum. Thus, each constant enum value gets these fields. The field values must be supplied to the constructor...
创建人 */ private String createBy; /** * Update人;Update人 */ private String updateBy; /** * 是否Delete;是否Delete */ @LogicDelete(strategy = LogicDeleteStrategyEnum.BOOLEAN) private Boolean deleted; } @Data @Table("t_topic") @EntityProxy //or @EntityFileProxy @ToString public class ...
This tutorial explains the concept of enum or enumeration in Java. It explains how to use enums in different situations.
知识库取名 toBeBetterJavaer,即 To Be Better Javaer,意为「成为一名更好的 Java 程序员」,是我自学 Java 以来所有原创文章和学习资料的大聚合。内容包括 Java 基础、Java 并发编程、Java 虚拟机、Java 企业级开发、Java 面试等核心知识点。据说每一个优秀的 Java 程序员都喜欢她,风趣幽默、通俗易懂。学 Java...
Registration provides an int class ID, the serializer to use for the class, and the object instantiator used to create instances of the class. Kryo kryo = new Kryo(); kryo.register(SomeClass.class); Output output = ... SomeClass object = ... kryo.writeObject(output, object); During ...