看如下代码: packagejava_generics_collections.chap2;importorg.junit.Test;importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.Arrays;importjava.util.List;/** * Created by jintaox on 2016/3/9. */publicclassTest_2_5{@Testpublicvoidtest01(){ Integer[] ints =newInteger[]{1,2,3}; Number[] nums = i...
2.1 Subtyping and the Substitution Principle 里氏替换原则,子类可以用在需要父类的地方。 Substitution Principle: a variable of a given type may be assigned a value of any subtype of that type, and a method with a parameter of a given type may be invoked with an argument of any subtype of t...
6.6 The Principle of Indecent Exposure Although it is an error to create an array with a component type that is not reifiable, it is possible to declare an array with such a type and to perform an unchecked cast to such a type. a library should never publicly expose an array with a ...
Generics and the greatlyexpanded collection libraries have tremendously increased the power ofJava 5 and Java 6. But they have also confused many developers whohaven't known how to take advantage of these new features. Java Generics and Collections covers everything f... (展开全部) Java Generics...
If this were supported, it would, in general, require a complex and confusing definition of bridge methods (see Bridges). By far, the simplest and most understandable option is to ban this case. Get Java Generics and Collections now with the O’Reilly learning platform. O’Reilly members exp...
Chapter 1. Introduction A Note for Early Release Readers With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author’s raw and unedited content as they write—so you can … - Selection from Java Generics and Collections, 2nd Edition [Bo
如果对这些结构的原理还不熟悉,这里推荐一本很老但是依然很有用的书《Java Generics and Collections》,它详细介绍了 Java 中各个集合的实现。 但是这本书没有中文版,如果英文书读的很痛苦,大家可以去网上搜索一些好的文章,也能达到相同的效果。 3 异步与多线程 现在只要编写高性能的代码,就离不开异步;只要在多...
泛型(Generics) Java容器能够容纳任何类型的对象,这一点表面上是通过泛型机制完成,Java泛型不是什么神奇的东西,只是编译器为我们提供的一个“语法糖”,泛型本身并不需要Java虚拟机的支持,只需要在编译阶段做一下简单的字符串替换即可。实质上Java的单继承机制才是保证这一特性的根本,因为所有的对象都是Object的子类,...
相反,我们提供了方法的重载:我们不是替换Object类提供的equals方法的实现,而是提供第二个方法来专门接受Foo对象,而不是Object对象。我们的错误可以用简单实现来举例说明,该实现对所有的相等检查都返回true,但当提供的对象被视为Object(Java将执行的操作,例如在Java Collections ...