这个端口号通常是FTP服务器的默认端口号21。 2. 调用ServerSocket的accept()方法接受来自客户端的请求 SocketclientSocket=serverSocket.accept(); 1. 这段代码调用ServerSocket对象的accept()方法,它会一直阻塞,直到有客户端连接到服务器。一旦有客户端连接,它会返回一个新的Socket对象来与客户端进行通信。 3. 设置...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于java ftp Accept timed out的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及java ftp Accept timed out问答内容。更多java ftp Accept timed out相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
要深入理解SocketTimeoutException异常,我们需要了解其继承关系。SocketTimeoutException是java.io.InterruptedIOException的子类,而java.io.InterruptedIOException又是java.io.IOException的子类。因此,SocketTimeoutException异常是IOException的一种特殊情况。 SocketTimeoutException异常提供了一个重要的方法getTimeout(),该方法...
Don't deploy your .war or .jar using FTP. The FTP tool is designed to upload startup scripts, dependencies, or other runtime files. It's not the optimal choice for deploying web apps. Rewrite or redirect URL To rewrite or redirect URL, use one of the available URL rewriters, such as...
if(!Settings.getFtpPasvMode()) { int retry = 0; while((retry++ < 5) && (sock == null)) { try { ssock.setSoTimeout(Settings.connectionTimeout); sock = ssock.accept(); } catch(IOException e) { sock = null; debug("Got IOException while trying to open a socket!"); ...
DEBUG [FTPClient] 29 jul 2009 10:41:28.605 : Validate transfer on error after exception : Accept timed out java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Accept timed out at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketAccept(Native Method) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.accept(PlainSocketImpl.java:384) at java.net.Server...
Say, an application sends an HTTP request to generate a report and waits for the known file on FTP server. There is no "asynchronous reply" expected from the third-party server, and the application has to poll periodically till the file will be available. Both use-case are fully supported...
if(!Settings.getFtpPasvMode()) { int retry = 0; while((retry++ < 5) && (sock == null)) { try { ssock.setSoTimeout(Settings.connectionTimeout); sock = ssock.accept(); } catch(IOException e) { sock = null; debug("Got IOException while trying to open a soc...
socket=server.accept(); }catch(IOExceptione){ System.out.println(Error:+e); } 9、写出⼀种使⽤java流式套接式编程时,创建双⽅通信通道的语句。 答: PrintStreamos=newPrintStream(newBufferedOutputStreem(socket.getOutputStream())); DataInputStreamis=newDataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); ...