上面的代码示例中,我们使用增强for循环遍历数组array,并打印出数组中的每一个元素。 使用序列图展示循环取出数组的值的过程 下面是使用mermaid语法中的sequenceDiagram来展示循环取出数组的值的过程: sequenceDiagram participant Loop participant Array Loop->>Array: 开始循环 Loop->>Array: 取出第一个元素 Array--...
用for循环遍历数组(array)的例子: 在这里,我们使用for循环遍历和显示数组里面的每个元素。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 classForLoopExample3 { publicstaticvoidmain(String args[]){ intarr[]={2,11,45,9}; //i starts with 0 as array index starts with 0 too for(inti=0; i<arr.length; i++){ ...
在上面的示例中,我们创建了一个长度为5的整型数组arr,并使用for循环为数组赋值。最后,我们遍历数组并打印出每个元素的值。 旅行图 journey title How to Create an Array and Add Values in Java section Create Array CreateArray(创建数组) AddValues(为数组赋值) PrintArray(打印数组) section For Loop ForLoop...
1. 使用 for-loop 复制数组元素 1int[] num1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};2int[] num2 =newint[num1.length];3for(inti = 0; i < num1.length; i++) {4num2[i] =num1[i];5} 2. 使用System.arrayCopy() 1int[] num1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};2int[] num2 =newint[num1.length];...
2. Java For-loop Example In the following program, we are iterating over an array ofintvalues. The array contains 5 elements so the loop will iterate 5 times, once for each value in the array. int[]array=newint[]{0,1,2,3,4};for(inti=0;i<array.length;i++){System.out.format(...
public class ForLoopArrayExample { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { System.out.println("Element at index " + i + " is " + numbers[i]); } } } 在这个示例中,numbers是一个整型...
For Loop For Loop Structure Example – Incrementing Step Value Example – Decrementing Step Value Example – Multiple Loop Variables Example – No Initialization Example – No Step Value Example – Infinite Loop Example – Integer Array Example – String Characters Example – String Array Example –...
You can loop through the array elements with the for loop, and use the length property to specify how many times the loop should run.The following example outputs all elements in the cars array:ExampleGet your own Java Server String[] cars = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Ford", "Mazda"}; for ...
起初的CPL语言,年代:1963年,类型:loop-for-in,起初for-in类型是SETL语言,发布:1969年。 注:CPL是C他太爷。 又称:for迭代循环、for遍历循环、foreach、Java专属:增强for循环 题外话:for出现了冒号起初的是MUMPS、MATLAB int[] v={10,20,30}; for( int e:v){ ...
//package com.kaikeba.javaforloop; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class JavaForEachLoopExample { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] intArray = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 }; for (int i : intArray) ...