“Java file outside of source root”错误是一个常见但容易解决的问题。通过理解源代码根目录的概念、确保文件位置的正确性、修改IDE配置并且遵循标准项目结构,开发者可以有效避免这个错误。记住一个良好的项目组织结构不仅能提高开发效率,还能减少潜在的错误。 希望这篇文章能够帮助你更好地理解Java项目中的文件组织及...
右键点击src文件夹,选择Mark Directory as,然后选择Sources Root。 如果是在Eclipse中,右键点击项目,选择Build Path->Configure Build Path,在Source选项卡中添加源代码目录。 // 示例代码packagecom.example;publicclassMyClass{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){System.out.println("Hello, World!");}} 1. 2. ...
找到pom.xml文件,右键 Add as maven project ,trust就行了
Even though the Java error message, “Java File Outside of Source Root,” has some aspects of what the issue is about, it could be made clearer by specifying exactly which source files are outside of the root directory or detecting Gradle and Maven imports and telling you to fix them by...
Forgive me I've only been programming for about a month. When I try and make a directory and insert the GitHub file, the contents say that the java file is outside of source root. Is there an easy solution to fix this? I've never downloaded anything f...
In the project's properties, you declare the source folders, classpath, and output files for your project. Each source root can have a unique classpath and output file. These settings do not affect the actual contents or classpath of your application. The settings only tell the IDE how to...
对应的x-common-pro-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT..pom文件,该文件已经引入了kettle版本 需要注意的是,因为是maven来管理jar包,因此,需要执行命令,将external文件夹下面的jar打到本地仓库,具体命令如下: 就拿x-kettle-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 为例说明: mvn install:install-file ...
选择“确定”,Maven 将安装 SQL Java SDK 或保存 pom.xml 文件。在Java 应用程序中使用 Azure Cosmos DB 服务现在,让我们向 Web 应用程序添加模型、视图和控制器。添加模型首先,让我们在新文件 TodoItem.java 中定义模型。 TodoItem 类定义项的架构以及 getter 和 setter 方法:Java...
Add-HDInsightFile -localPath target\hbaseapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -destinationPath example/jars/hbaseapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -clusterName $myCluster 出现提示时,输入群集登录名 (admin) 和密码。 此命令将 hbaseapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 上传到群集的主存储中的 example/jars 位置。 若要使用 hbaseapp 创建表...
("VIRTUAL_FS_FOR_JDK" + File.pathSeparator + sootClassPath()); Options.v().set_process_dir(Arrays.asList(applicationClassPath().split(File.pathSeparator))); } if(java>=9 && USE_MODULEPATH) { // when you have a target benchmark with Java >= 9 and want module support Options.v(...